Search found 115 matches

Re: The New Suggestions Thread

Achievements have been discussed before and it was agreed that the only thing they would do was to break the atmosphere and the tension of the game. I agree, you would just start looking for certain objects or doing certaing things to got all archievements, so you would concentrate more on that tha...

[SCRAPPED SUGGESTION] Biohazard-SCPs' containment zone

I think that changing SCP-049's area in a bigger version, with something like 4 places where SCP-008 and SCP-035 could spawn (they would not spawn in the Heavy Containment Zone but in one of the four avaible points in this area, the other two could just be dead-ends...) and 4-5 zombies wandering aro...

Re: The New Suggestions Thread

This random list of suggestions just came around from the mention of giving some SCPs more purpose by Regalis. These are all suggestions towards SCPs that I think could be improved for CB. Warning: Massive wall of unfiltered text follows, thoughts may be incoherent since I typed this all in one sit...

[v0.8.2] Bugs with MTFs and SCP-294

When I was playing, I reached the "Entrance Zone" and the MTFs started looking for me. Then I found them: one was in the cafeteria, another one near the office with SCP-420-J, the third one in a Basic Office and the last one in a three-way-corner with the "office style". 1) The first one got in the ...

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