Search found 63 matches

Re: SCP 682 Model

Not sure what modeling program you are using, but there are a few things you want to do to make a smooth looking model. 1. Enable polygon smoothing and assign appropriate smoothing groups to all of your model's polygons. This will stop your model from looking like it is composed of little squares w...

Re: SCP 682 Model

How did you get the model to be so smooth? I made a model for SCP-2300, but it looks a little bit rough. (It's my first model though)
Edit: I used Blender to model this.

SCP-2300 Model

I was making this for my own game but thought I might as well share it with you guys. The rigging is not the best, but tbh it's my first model I rig and animate :D Let me know what you think of it and if you'd like the Blender file for it as well. I will add more images soon (Hopefully a video with ...

Re: The New Suggestions Thread

Hey guys, hope it's okay, I'm just going to repost the SCP I suggested a bit back because it got buried and no one saw it. K? I typed a lot to make it, so that's why I'm kinda making it a big deal. Sorry if it offends anyone in any way. (also, I improved it a bit) -snip- I have already added your s...

Re: The New Suggestions Thread

Maybe you can use your second post in the thread to continue the list? Just add a little note at the bottom of the first post that you'll continue in the next post of yours. Thank you for the suggestion, I did that, though seeing how fast the OP filled up, not sure how much will this one last befor...

Re: The New Suggestions Thread

Guys, I have been updating the front page with all your suggestions (btw, I understand that some of the new people don't understand where these SCPs come from, but invented SCPs confuse me when adding them...) Also Kenneth crooker If you are only going to say "What about MY SCP? SCP-1645. http://www...

Re: [NEW] Improved Suggestions Thread

I like this thread. I'd like to suggest something about SCP-049. 049 looks tad left alone, tbh, as no one suggests anything about him. But surely when you encounter suddenly 049 coming out of his "room", shouldn't be there any clues or anything? I was thinking, if there could be a dead dissected sc...

Re: [NEW] Improved Suggestions Thread

Agreed on the ideas for the improved 096 event, I also want to suggest more evidence of how 096 got into the room, for example, a crumbled wall like that of 513's room, behind which is a collapsed area, so that our Class D here can't escape easily. Also, I honestly don't know why Regalis did this, ...

Re: Model Requests Can this be used for anything? Maybe for SCP-060-Alpha ( ),but in this case,we must find a place in the site, where you can find trees. I actually added 060's suggestion on the new su...

Re: [NEW] Improved Suggestions Thread

Can I make a suggestion to improve the server-room Guard event? The Guard should walk into the room from the other door instead of being in the booth. It just seems weird that he wouldn't notice SCP 096 in the same room after (presumably) being there for a while. 096 should be leaning against one o...

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