Search found 352 matches

Re: ?


I saw this on a way to a friends house and it reminded me of you guys :D

Re: PC Problems Thread

Destructoid wrote:I'm thinking about building a desktop for my room. I hear building a computer requires blood sacrifice a lot.
If you don't slice your finger on something you aren't doing it right :lol:

A lot of those metal heatsinks can be sharp!

Re: Clouds

I tried it out and it has trouble uploading bigger files.
I think it's because of my browser though...

Either way i'm sure they will fix it in the near future.

After all, it's still in beta.

Re: Gaming Computer

I believe you can get a work around for most of the games, minecraft you might have some trouble.

Also prepare for a unfamiliar interface. =(

If you are a pirate though you can just get windows 7 if you know what i mean.

Re: Gaming Computer

RAM is where your computer temporarily stores information at high speeds.

The more you have, the more programs you can have open without the computer slowing down.

Some games use up to 1.5 gb! and even windows 7 can take up to .5gb itself.

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