Search found 34 matches

Re: Dev Topic #2

All this speculation is driving me crazy! I could see 049 coming into play while running from 106, turn the hallway and 049 and 106 have you surrounded. Surely rustling even the most stubborn of jimmies. Or that little empty room in the maintenance tunnels, have him stumble his way out of there or s...

Bands and music

I haven't seen any music related threads around here; I decided that I would start one! What are your favorite genres of music, and some of your favorite bands? Personally, I'm into a lot of Metal and Punk bands. Some of my favorites would have to be Despised Icon, Pig Destroyer and The Black Dahlia...

Re: Dev Topic #2

I think the 008 mod fit really well for the most part; in my opinion I could see it as being in the final product.
Definitely one of the highest quality mods I've seen for CB.

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