
I've been having 97 ideas per minute everyday. Some of them just won't go away. One of those ideas is a game for SCP-1983.

It's basically a house filled to the damn brim with cult and inhabited by pitch black monsters that want to pull your heart out to make more monsters.

I've been having ideas for a game about this like crazy as hell and it won't stop. So I think its time we make a team and carry it all out into reality.

Re: SCP-1983

You know, you should start learning how to use game engines like Unity or something. Finding a team can be a pain, and they will usually require an obnoxious rate of pay, if you are making them do all the work... Good luck with your idea though! :)

Re: SCP-1983

This is one of my favorite SCP. I already emntioned it in many threads that asked for suggestion for games.

I think it's awesome you are trying to make the game. A shame I don't know how to help you, Maybe I could try the voice acting, but I have not the best of voices.

also, maps are easy to desing, the only obligatory rooms should be the ones mentioned in the article, the rest could be anything, from a bathroom, to a gym. But it would be cool if there was an introduction and we saw the anomaly from outside. I take we are the heroic d-class?
God is perfect -> Nobody is perfect -> I'm nobody --> I'm perfect --> I'm God.

Re: SCP-1983

I'll need almost everything to help with this project. It'll be nice for live radio statuses from the Foundation Control Center and MTF Cloud-Nine to come help you eventually. I plan for the player to be an Agent. If we can find a map maker, that would be helpful. I also need enemy modelers for SCP-1983-2 and an AI for them. I also plan lastly for the end of this game, a boss battle that will result in the neutralization of SCP-1983 if you win.