Re: (W.I.P/0.5 update) Mirror's Edge: Containment Breach

Abincyprus wrote:Update 0.5b
Well, the Mirror's Edge's engine isn't as flexible as Blitz3d in a certain way and because of this limitations I will not develop a lot of content. Not many people are interested in Mirror's Edge modding is a huge reason why. I want the mod to be polished and I work alone. Ok, so, I'm still gonna add the forest SCP and the pocket dimension (and yeah you can contain SCP-106).
Cut content
SCP-173 free roaming- SCP173 will appear only in 3-5 rooms through the game. There's no such a thing as, "PlayerCanSeeMe," in the engine and I'm limited to outdated Kismet. So SCP-173 mechanics that are as fine as in SCPCB are impossible.
Medical Zone- (like a hospital) with SCP-049 and a zombie (049-2) chase.
SCP-106 free roaming- SCP-106 will be heavily scripted through Kismet.
GATE C- Was gonna have lots of soldiers a huge mountain view and lots of APCs, if the player would stand in the middle he will be shot up, however there would have been a secret escape ending very well hidden.

The engine may be extremely flexible in a certain aspect, however there is a huge wall stopping you from creating something; also that I work alone on a broken editor and the Miror's Edge modding community is dead.
1. 173 is already annoying enough in CB, i think a little stop to him isn't gonna be so bad.
2.This must be the only one I really wanted to see. Is 049 still gonna be implemented some other way,though?
3. If that's the case, make him scare us in a way we won't be sorry.
4. Even though Gate C would be interesting, stick to what you can do.

Keep going, I admire the fact that you're not giving up on this , carry on!

Cheers mate :049:

Re: (W.I.P/0.5 update) Mirror's Edge: Containment Breach

Abincyprus wrote:
A bit too dark?
kingjulien22 wrote: Keep going, I admire the fact that you're not giving up on this , carry on!

Cheers mate :049:
I'll try to add SCP-049... If it won't be a problem.

Looks real good man, just wondering, when is a playable release going to be out, for playtesters. Also where can you sign up to be a playtester, cos i have a fairly popular youtube channel i could share this around with and should build some hype
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Re: (W.I.P/0.5 update) Mirror's Edge: Containment Breach

I've just discovered this mod and I'm blown away at how far you've come and the amount of amazing content you've created. I sincerely hope this is finished one day and becomes the actual game at some point.

I think you should try working on aesthetics in the game, and I think it could be done by placing inaccessible rooms all over the place to fill the space in those long empty corridors. I really want to see lots of facilities and workplaces scattered everywhere to make the foundation resemble a research site rather than a maze of corridors, a lot like Black Mesa.

Keep up the good work!
ey b0ss, can I habe de pussi plz?