Re: SCP - Lockdown Or SCP - SCP Vision?

Uhm.. The name "SCP-lockdown" Is taken already by me... :D... (and another guy, But thats a roblox game so it dont count) Heres what my game is including.

SCP Mind: Start with being a Smaller SCP.. You would have to breach containment... The more you breach, The more better SCP's you get to be...
SCP-Time: A timer to contain Certain SCP's. youd play as a doctor.
SCP Storymode: The basic.. your a D-Class trying to escape. (In develpment)
SCP Multiplaye: You and a friend have to find eachother from each end of the facility and get out!
SCP Duel: 3 D-Class, 8 SCP's Multiplayer game...

Re: SCP - Lockdown Or SCP - SCP Vision?

Maybe in the SCP Vision, it could be SOMEHOW similar to Spore, but you chose a SCP and every time you make a breach - which could have a menu to let you chose different areas to breach, maybe making different areas to either be hard or easy - and the more victims you kill, the more you can "EVOLVE" (maybe increase your certain SCP's stats, for existence like SCP-173 (my fav.) if you got 5 kills, you could get 5 stat points, and could upgrade your speed when people don't see you or special abilities to disable cameras for a split second) and you could ally maybe with other SCP's to make your breach evermore bloody and dangerous. :)
Pewdiepie: Lets just take this nice and ea- *dies*
Markiplier: I dont like this game, but i sure can beat it. *opens door and dies*
Me: LETS DO THIS! *opens door and runs into SCP-106* ._.