Re: SCP-087-C [Dont need voice actors right now]

dmxell wrote:A little late with a reply here, but how did you manage that awesome night vision look? I use Unity 3D as well (3.5 Pro) and I haven't been able to achieve such a nice effect with the stock post-processing (not really into making custom post scripts).
Just dabble with a few of the image effects, such as glow effect, noise, and color correction

Re: SCP-087-C [ █ New 0.4 Update! █ ]

Just played, and freaking LOVED it! I am glad I could help on this project!
I love the night vision, once it runs out, it gives the player that "Oh...shit" moment haha.
I also love the initial noise filter that is applied when you see the monster for the first time. GREAT addition!

There were a few glitches I encountered when playing though:
-When you first see the monster, does he kill you? Or do you just walk back the way you came. Once he comes up and that noise filter effect is added, it just stands there, and in a way takes away that initial scare.
-Everytime I have encountered the monster afterwards though, I end up walking through it and end up behind it. While it stands there I simply go on. I saw there was supposed to be a death animation but it never played out for me.

Anyways, those were just some minor glitched I came across that I thought it might help you to know about.
This game is freaking awesome! I loved it.

Also, about a trailer. Once this game gets a little more developed, I would love to do a trailer for it. I do agree with Garbo though, It by no means needs a trailer, it can garner attention as it is.
But If you still wanted to have one I could definitely do one for ya :D
Great game!
Creator of SCP: Containment Breach Trailers, Creator of Containment Breach: Run.

Re: SCP-087-C [ █ New 0.4 Update! █ ]

Today I've played more. I found the monster and... well... He went thorugh me, camera started to malfunction and he just stared to the hallway. Shouldn't he killed me or something?
Also (I know it's 0.4) the monster isn't scary at all, because you can see him from a lot of distance (and he is in his "cross form" xD, so it's like seeing Jesus with a mask...). Ideas on how to "fix" that:
-Showing just his face
-When you see him, he starts approaching you (I know this doesn't fit in the 087 article)
-Making a jumpscare (like regalis' 087-B)
-Adding more monsters
-Make him chase you
-RESUMING: make you run (and scream) as fast (and louder) as hell