Re: [1.0.6] "True" gamma

yonzo_rikuo wrote:LOL, im just wondering because none of my friend is a gamer so there is no one can tell me what it is.
No offense, truthfully, but, if your friend though having high gamma screen levels would REALLY emit gamma radiation, I would hate to meet him.

Re: [1.0.6] "True" gamma

its also a joke on my cs go server.

when we are playing and chatting like normally suddenly there is a children ask us what is gamma slider and will it emit gamma radiation? and then we laughs so hard and start to say gamma slider when we kill people

although that kid has noscoped me
Furries and FnaF fan must be terminated to avoid incident-[REDACTED]
- DR.Yonzo

Re: [1.0.6] "True" gamma

yonzo_rikuo wrote:LETS BACK INTO THE TOPIC

is this mod will be in the next update?
I am sorry for the Necropost, but I do want to answer his question. I hope I get no consequences from this.

TO Yonzo:

Probably. It depends. It is a good mod, though we haven't heard Regalis say that he WAS going to add it. If he did, I would like it. I would make my Gamma the highest setting though. XD

Re: [1.0.6] "True" gamma

It's always a possibility, considering this was made in response to the gamma settings added in v1.0.6, and not the other way around. You'll have to wait around for v1.1 to get a real answer though, it wouldn't suprise me if it will be added.
It slep time bunner.