Re: Better SCP-914 Mod [WIP]

juanjpro wrote:Using a global variable wouldn't be a good idea because that means refining any gas mask in 914 will turn every gas mask in the map into a super gas mask. You could use the item's State field instead:

Code: Select all

it2\State = 1.0
;and then modify the inventory code to use this
Breaks in loops can be done with Exit.
Thanks was going to delete comment because thought of it but you were first... DAMN IT :P

EDIT: After a brief thinking, after comparing pros and cons i thought that this would need too much work and it wouldn't make game any faster (Negligibly yes), and i would sacrefice compatibility with source code and other mods, so i decided to not change anything, stay with old things and try to live with them :P. But this adventure told me a lot about game code and how it is constructed so i think it was worth it anyways. I will work for the next hour and probably not do anything worth a stop. But only lay a fundation.

EDIT2: FIANLLY some updates, sorry guys for not doing anything for the weekend but i have been really busy, i wasn't even a single minute on computer on saturday. On sunday i had guests.

It has been a really tough fight because i THOUGHT that coding in blitz is close to at least Pascal but nooooooo, for me there have been booby traps in one place after another, but after 3 hours i have learned them all and won't fall in them again, so progress after this update should pick up on quite some speed.
Hello there is a mod where you can participate Better SCP-914. with your help 914 will be properly complicated and unpredictable :P You can help with theory or code, even an sugestion will be greatly apreciated :D

Re: Better SCP-914 Mod [WIP]

MonocleBios wrote:You may want to consider reworking the item system and how 914 works if you plan on adding a significant number of additions. Use914 is starting to get bloated like UpdateEvents, the latter of which should have been revamped ages ago. (It's almost 7000 lines long)
Maybe in latter versions, like i said 0.1 is only proof of conception, and i thought about it but without help i'm not going to touch that shit. It's just too much work for me right now and i'm not fluent in game code nor Blitz3D. If it was in C++ then why not, but here i have engouh work trying to think how to write something that will work.

But if you want to hear my opinion i think of making item class that every item in the game will be an istance of Item but everything will be a variable, like codename (tempname doesn't sound right), model, item name, item functions, item inventory image and so on. So every item in the game would be diffrent, but related to each other at the same time (I mean it would be the same type, only thing that i don't know right now is what to do with item templates, it is my first time to touch anything game releated and don't know if this is something that cannot be deleted).

Simply said item would call functions, it wouldn't be based on something so dumb like WearingGasMask = 11, Code is starting to be inefficient very fast this way. If you want to help with this ( I would love you for this :shock2: ) then wait until i will work on version 0.2, or just start working now. I turn to you with the request, please if you have any ideas how to make it better the replay to my comment, if you don't then what you think about my idea? I only ask so feel free to not reply.

Anyways thanks for sugestion i really like to hear people because they can see something i don't. :wink:
Hello there is a mod where you can participate Better SCP-914. with your help 914 will be properly complicated and unpredictable :P You can help with theory or code, even an sugestion will be greatly apreciated :D

Re: Better SCP-914 Mod [WIP]

Just an update, i spend few hours of today work worring about tomorrow (Ah poetry...). Anyways i was trying to find something called "function pointer", here's a definition in layman's terms it's something that "points" to a function, so it doesn't have to have all of possible ways that's something works, but what is needed right now. This is huge optimalization boost, but it will need a huge overhauls of game code, when i will be done, comparing present to the latter will be like east to west, you could say it won't be even the same game. If someone is willing to help PM me, as it won't be public until about 90% will be done. Also This means Multi-Threading for game, i'm doing this entirely to better understand pointers so right now it's nothing to be specially interested in.

Also at present i have some life problems so doing something as a hobby will be difficult, but i won't give up, at least to version 0.3, i'm very stubborn person but i know my limits. This project is entirely focused on improving my programming skills, so i won't be dedicating all of my time and strength to it, especially when doing this alone. (I like to be frank, but don't hate me for this, as i'm doing it also for you guys :D)

Ah almost forgot, this starts AFTER version 0.1 so to not be hesitant (I mean pointer stuff).

Anyways thanks for your time :)
Hello there is a mod where you can participate Better SCP-914. with your help 914 will be properly complicated and unpredictable :P You can help with theory or code, even an sugestion will be greatly apreciated :D

Re: Better SCP-914 Mod [WIP]

juanjpro wrote:Blitz3D does not support pointers at all, let alone function pointers. You can try using FastPointer for that but good luck making things stable with a hacky lib.
Ah you never know until you don't try, and BTW i explained that i spent few HOURS on researching, that's nothing new to me, i even know that debug won't work this way so yea, i know what i'm doing.
Hello there is a mod where you can participate Better SCP-914. with your help 914 will be properly complicated and unpredictable :P You can help with theory or code, even an sugestion will be greatly apreciated :D