Re: Crazy Foundation Headcanon

SCP 008 Thinks through the minds of its hosts. It is a huge fan of zombies, and since it is a zombie virus, it does what you would expect from a zombie virus
(SCP 008 is SENTIENT?)
SCP 105 once put an item through 914 by image, she wont talk about it or what came out.

Re: Crazy Foundation Headcanon

Insanity's Bane wrote:This is a place where you can post your crazy and unusual headcanon about the SCP-verse. Please, feel free to express your theories and odd headcanon.

Myself, I'd like to start this thread with something a little more sinister. Most of us here are familiar with SCP-579, and most of us know it as the "half-assed SCP with it's entire description expunged". I thought so too, at first. While others might just downvote or scoff at it and be on there way, I had decided to take a second look at this SCP. First time I had read 579 was, maybe 2 months or so ago, maybe less. Then, I came back and really read into it... and found some unsettling parallels.

First, we have to take into consideration that 579's containment procedures aren't entirely true. I mean, the entire description has already been expunged, and it's not unlike the Foundation to falsify its containment procedures, it wouldn't be the first time they did it. But there are bits and pieces left to put together the puzzle.

The key words were:
* "state of suspension"
* "Point of origin"
* "instruments"

That was the most important one: "instruments".
I asked myself, "Why, of all the words they could've chosen to describe them, did they use 'instruments' ? Why not 'devices', or something more... professional?"

Then it hit me.

Between my first and second reading of 579's article, I'd been reading stuff. And I came across as to what 579 is, at least in my headcanon.
The Engine of Evil, the Demon Sultan, the Blind Idiot God, the All-Powerful; Azathoth.
Azathoth, in Lovecraftian lore, is an Outer God (beings infinitely more powerful than a Great Old One like Cthulhu) who is said to have been sealed by, guess what, an ensemble. Mostly drummers, but an ensemble nonetheless. This ensemble keeps it in an eternal slumber.

Like all Outer Gods and Great Old Ones, those who look at Azathoth are in danger of going insane or even dying.

In addition, Azathoth is an all-powerful (but not all-knowing) being that, if awoken, will destroy the mortal universe.

Even more worrying, according to the notes, 579's "point of origin" was destroyed while trying to terminate/re-contain the damn thing. Azathoth's original "containment" was the center of the universe.

Short version?
"State of suspension"=Sleeping for all of eternity
"instruments"=an actual ensemble
"In the event of an unsuccessful Action 10-Israfil-B, no further action will be necessary."=Goodbye universe
"Expunged description"=Safety for the new recruits, because maybe even knowing of Azathoth's existence may drive them insane, or kill them.

So, in my personal headcanon, SCP-579 is Azathoth, or at least the SCP-verse's of the thing.
And that's my crazy theory. You guys have any? Post 'em below, I'd love to hear.
Wow, that's far out! I've never read SCP-579's file before, but now I'm going to have to look it up.
That would be cool if there were any SCPs that literally walked out of a Lovecraft story (ugh, imagine Pickman's Model in the SCP facility! Yikes!). Heck, it would be cool if any SCPs were the real deals of any creations of sci-fi/fantasy fiction. It would be as if authors such as Lovecraft were the first to know of the existence of anomalous entities/objects long before the Foundation was up and running.

Re: Crazy Foundation Headcanon


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Omniary: fuck you anglerfish can't smell
Dr. Trialtrex21: how you know bitch
Omniary: it probably could smell you though
could probably smell your fucking dank ass nasty powersuit structure gel trog ass enslaved protein bullshit sloshing in your suit from a mile away