Can anyone help me with my application?

I have so far gotten denied of being a member three times. (I know I must be screwing up badly)
This was my last application, could anyone tell me whats wrong with it and help me improve it?

"Age:17, Location:Arizona, USA, Reason for joining: I think this is a great site and, I would really
like to help contribute my SCPs to it."

PS.(I did read all 7 articles necessary for joining)

Re: Can anyone help me with my application?

Found it!

If you've read the required reading, make sure to include the words [DATA EXPUNGED]* in your application, along with everything else you've been told to put in.

* = I added it, i'm not gonna tell which is it

Also, how i withdraw my application?
WOOMY! *squid glibberish*
my water changed to this form by boiling, extensively used for the generation of mechanical power, for heating purposes, etc.