SCP-066 is an amorphous mass of intricately braided thread weighing approximately one kilogram. Strands of SCP-066 may be taken individually and manipulated; when this is done, a note on the diatonic scale (C-D-E-F-G-A-B) is produced by the object. When a set of six or more notes are produced, SCP-066 will produce a benign effect of varying nature and duration. SCP-066 will not respond to manipulation while any effect produced by it is in progress. When it is not producing anomalous effects, SCP-066 will say the name “Eric” constantly in a deep masculine voice.


SCP-066 can be found in the Entrance Zone, wandering aimlessly. If the player is close enough, they can hear SCP-066 say "eric" in a deep voice. If the player touches SCP-066, it may create cracks in the floor, cause the lights to dim, or play Beethoven’s second symphony at 140 decibels. It can open doors on its own and can be considered a wandering SCP.


Why are there many SCP-066 in the game? The article doesn't mention anything about how many of them there are, so it can be assumed that there is only one...
I like this SCP though because it's a non-aggressive roaming SCP, while it may look pointless it makes you feel like there is an actual breach of monsters and oher living creatues/objects going everywhere (initially there were only SCP-173 and SCP-106 as "roaming SCPs", SCP-096 and SCP-682 escaped too but the first one never moves from the room he is in and the second one appears only during the end of the game, so they were mostly "stationary SCPs"...). I like how SCP-049 is a roaming enemy too, even if he's really easy to avoid due to his dumb AI; and the two SCP-939 are a pretty great addition, even if they aren't roaming SCPs you know they are escaped and it helps building the athmosphere a lot.

Back to SCP-066, I think that making it/them spawn in different rooms of the Entrance Zone would be cool (another good room where you could find it/them would probably be on the lower floor of the office with the stairs, the one with two floors...); that's probably the only thing about this SCP that can be improved.
:173: :106: <Please, give us a hug!)
:096: <Do you think my face is ugly? RHAAAAAR!! )
:049: <I sense the Desease in you! Take a nap and you'll get better...)


Perhaps 066 can randomly fall down from a vent like 173? And since I didn't get to touch 066 yet ingame, is there like a message saying 'your ears begin to hurt badly' when you continuously hear 066's Beethoven noise? Because if there isn't perhaps there should be some form of bleeding and dizziness? And (as suggested before by _Skin ), maybe there can be earmuffs to avoid bleeding, but this is at the cost of not being able to hear your environment, where say, 106 suddenly grabs you because you can't hear the corrosion?
SCP: Eric Breach nanomod maker (if anyone wants to revamp it be my guest, as it is now defunct)
Fan of Doctor Who, Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency, Sleepy Hollow, Person of Interest, Happy (2017) and Silicon Valley. And also MCU films.


autotroph wrote:Perhaps 066 can randomly fall down from a vent like 173?
The thought of that made me think of Thousands of SCP-066's falling from a Vent, Eventually crushing and deafening the Player at the same time.

I like your Idea of the Injuries that 066 could cause. Only thing is to think of a reasonable place for Ear Muffs to be found..

Unless the Site is having construction being down in the lower levels, Maybe a New, Unspecified Containment Room. The kind of area with signs saying " Hard Hats / Ear Protection must be worn at all times ".
SCP Containment Breach Sound Designer.
Favourite SCP is SCP-1845-1.