173 spawning, Class-D @ 106, Gas mask, Inventory and NG

Well I've decided to keep recording software running while playing to have a chance of portraying the bugs lurking the facility while avoiding SCP and MTF.

Here's what I've managed to record. First video pls be gentle

SCP-173 - It's spawning at odd places, as in front of the player's sight or, when he steps it up, teleporting behind you and completely ruining MLG no-save games.

Class-D @ 106 - Managed to escape the bed (again).

Inventory and NG - After starting a New Game which ended up with your inventory full you will start the game unable to pick up more items, until you reopen the inventory screen.

Gas mask - Unfinished model, it's transparent from below if you crouch (Could have been done on purpose to favor performance but it breaks immersion).

If you see SCP-096's face and take the elevator into the maintenance tunnels, it won't chase you. Couldn't do more research like if it could chase you through the blast doors since I got killed by 173.

Also the levers at 106's room have to be pulled down very slowly in order not to lose grasp on them, but they can't be pulled upwards way faster.

SCP-914: If you attempt to turn the knob into any position (and succeed) right as the door opens, any items in the output booth will disappear. Forever.