Game Crashes on startup

It crashes immediately after a window pops up when I click the exe. I've tried restarting, redownloading, running as an admin, and looking around these forums it seems I'm the only one who's having this. And I'm running Windows 7, 0.6.6, I've updated pretty much everything, etc. etc. etc.

What do I do?

Re: Game Crashes on startup

MonocleBios wrote:Does the program actually crash(If so does windows give you the crash report?), or are you just left with a black window?
Lemme give you a play-by-play.
1. I double click the exe.
2. The program shows a black window with no title and no icon maybe 200*150 pixels.
3. One second later the program closes. Close as in "The program shut itself down".
4. The End.