SCP-096 Standing Spin Bug

Spoilers ahead.

A bug I encountered was during and after the SCP-096 event where it attacks and kill a Guard (On that note that scene needs work, another issue).

Basically when it is enraged and enters it panic state, as well as raising its arms as usual, it will start to spin around in circles. This will happen both when the Guard panics it and when the Player panics it.
SCP:CB Administrator. 99% of my statements are my own and do not represent the official developers viewpoint.

Re: SCP-096 Standing Spin Bug

Might aswell post it here, I encountered a similar bug, decided to record it and make a sort of funny vid about it, basically as I was being chased by SCP-096 I was running up the stars and went atleast 2 rooms ahead, I come back and I find him spinning around in circles:
Mandatory blank signature, here.