a List of Bugs

There are what I found, most of it pertain to 173...

173 through walls:
Sure hes supposed to be more active but is his hyperactivity enough for him to go through walls and kill you?

173 spawning out of nowhere:
There are times when I try to leave a room, or are just in a random room, and 173 literately comes out of thin air. I can even see him come in!

173 involving the "lights out" script:
If 173 is in the tunnel when the lights go out and he spawns there, he will snap your neck if you trigger the "lights out". Its annoying, but still avoidable.

173 neck snaps you after 106 incapacitates you:
It wasnt such a smart idea to bring 173 into the maintenance tunnel because A: you cant see anything in those tunnels and B: 173 will STILL snap your neck after 106 incaps you.

and now, something not 173 related:

Items fall through map:
This is most noticeable in those common offices which the level 2 keycard. The items spawned will FALL THROUGH. You can see this when you noclip out and get close by one of those offices. You'll find items falling through it. It's also in 106's chamber regarding the level 4 keycard.

MTF spawns behind walls:
MTF spawns behind walls and such and can still shoot you if too close enough.
All this scratchin' is makin' me rich!

Re: a List of Bugs

"173 spawning out of nowhere:
There are times when I try to leave a room, or are just in a random room, and 173 literately comes out of thin air. I can even see him come in!"
That is not a bug, since v0.6.0 came out, scp 173 had a new AI, and that AI works like this: if he spawns on the rooms he normally spawns (like the tunnel) he will come after you around in the facility until you find another spawning room (not just like in older versions: if he spawns and you run always looking at he, he will 'disapear' until you find another spawning room! ;)
Wait... WHAT?