Re: People running away while cuffed.

Reinaert wrote:How can people run away while they're cuffed and being grabbed? or am i doing something wrong
You are still able to move when grabbed, but the weight of the person grabbing you keeps you in place for the most part, but if you can keep running in one direction you can usually escape. I think the game see's the cuffed person as out of grab range, and you let go, but im not 100% sure.

Leg cuffs were mentioned in a previous thread to combat this exact issue

Re: People running away while cuffed.

Well, One is indeed able to still run when cuffed (since his legs havent been cuffed) but yes, being able to free himself of the grab of a secruity guard (And actually fucking DRAGGING HIM by WALKING) is quite unrealistic. I mean, yes there are people that are strong enough but probadly NONE of these are the ones the players play. Infact, it should rather be the Security Guard, who is capable of dragging them, and actually holding them in place when they are cuffed. (Or atleast be able to lock the cuffs so noone can uncuff them)

I'm Frost.