Re: Where be them cargo's

2 More thing because I don't want to made a new post why does auto pilot always turn on automatically it always fucks me up when im trying to drive a ship and it keeps changing course. and why can I not ever put anything in my clothing pockets when ever I try to put something in my clothing it just falls to the ground why does this happen?

Re: Where be them cargo's

Could you specify the first one, like, WHAT type of vessel where you driving?
If main sub: I dont have any clue how that could happen.
If Respawn shuttle: It seems to me (Atleast, after it crashed it turns over after being cleared and goes on alone), that it automatically autopilots to the sub if a certain timer is over. Atleast thats the only thing I could imagine.

To the latter: I dont have any clue how that could happen, sorry for that. Could you specify what you are putting in your cloth and into WHAT cloth you are putting it in?
Since well, as I know, stuff like spears and harpoon guns cant go into any pockets (So, the Doctors clothing and the Jumpsuits), whule the doctors clothing can only store chemicals. It might be that you often play doc and thus this happens, as I said, I dont have any clue how it could happen otherwise.

I'm Frost.