Re: I want to host a server. Tips please?

I have a few tips for you.

I've hosted my own server, and I don't think ddos protection is that necessary to be honest, if you want to host a good server, have some strict rules, especially so that if you have a traitor they can't just screw up the entire ship.

If you want to ban people in-game click the info button and there should be everyone in the server, so if anyone is screwing anything up, you can ban them on the spot.

There's also a log, if anything mysteriously messes up in your ship or something happens, you can check logs to see who's done what, like if someone was killed, assaulted, if they re-wired doors and such.

Those are the only tips I have for now, just make sure to ban those who clearly don't want to roleplay.

Have fun.
I can usually help with things, depends on what it is though, feel free to ask if you need help with problems on your games.