Can't Host At All(Fixed)

So for the past few days, I've been trying to host a server on this beautiful game, but I unfortunately can't seem to get it to work. I've been trying for days, troubleshooting for hours, and I've achieved nothing. I've tried UPnP hosting, which always comes up as unavailable, even with it turned on in my router setting with a static IP. I've also tried manually hosting, which I've tried multiple inputs for, using every single IP I could use. I tried looking up how to use a DMZ because apparently that helps, but I can't figure that out either. Before anyone asks, yes, I've looked at all of the forums posts on this kind of thing and tried almost every solution they've offered, but nobody seems to be having the same problem as me. I'm honestly hopeless at this point, but maybe one of you could help.

As it turns out I'm just really stupid. The DMZ works perfectly, as I'm finally able to host, though not with nilmod, however this thread isn't about that. Idk what I did to mess up the DMZ last night, but it didn't work then and works now. All you gotta do is just set your own IPv4 as the IP for the DMZ and it should work.