Re: Sub vs sub mode.

Archbernd wrote:Two crews have to show who is the fittest.
Hm, there is an BIG Room of water of what could be done there. I have some ideas, Most of which should he obviously?

-Literally an sub fight, so, which Team kills the enemy sub first.

Welp, this seems like an Basic one, yet obviously enough, a six railgun nuke sub can literally oneshot the other one. So MAYBE, the subs could spawn seperately at the two "Ends", Start and End, and a Cluster of Monsters could he between them.

- artifact Race, the sub, which geht's the artifact and gets to its Exit First, wins. You only Win, when you get the artifact and make it to the end, if both subs faul, its a draw.

The artifact could spawn EVERYWHERE, as the subs are gonna meet anyway. Thus way, sub A gets the artifact, yet gets sunken by enemy cutterusing divers. Then they use the ancient weapon to get rid of them, yet, the Reaktor explodes and Sub B gets the artifact, and makes ist to the end. this is how a round could Look like.

-Double Traitor. In each sub is a traitor, who has been sent by the opposing sub.

Should work like a normal traitor round, just that the traitor of sub A, WHO is in sub B, has to get to his sub, so they can win, while killing a target (or everyone) of the other team. Yet als they Are TRAITORS, they actual teammates dont know who is the enemy on their sub and WHO is the FRIEND on the other. And obviously, the subs have a mission there.

-Cargo. One sub has the cargo and Must bring ist to their end, while the other has NO Cargo, and must steal the cargo from the others and bring ist to THEIR end.

This could be similar to the artifact mission, just with a cargo and the cargo being there Right from the start.

Also, a few other suggestions: The host names the Teams and assignes his subs to the teams. (So For example, team A, gets the subs from one collection, while Team B gets the other.

The teams then vote for the sub they use, yet they cant use the Same sub twice in a row. (Or the host forces a sub choice).

Thats it for now. Don't have any more ideas about that in my Head, rather than these few gamemodes and etc.

I'm Frost.