
This is more so a question rather than a suggestion: How far is the medical system going to go? Is it going to include things such as localised damage, bones, internal organs, varying conditions and all that jazz? Obviously the blood splatter effects show up on damaged organs and joints can clearly be individually 'broken' (such as when dying from high pressure then reviving yourself and laughing at your jelly-like legs) so it already exists to some effect, but is that individual part going to require individual treatment?

I'm not suggesting implementing something like surgery on a /submarine/, that may actually be straying further from realism. I'm suggesting something like..If a player falls from a high ledge, they're going to break their legs, no? They may only be able to walk and swim at a reduced rate, or perhaps if the damage is extreme enough be forced to crawl along the ground, even in water. (Crouching managed to be implemented, so it's clear that player ragdolls can probably be forced down onto the ground in much the same way.) The same thing would apply to the arms, and in the head's case it'd likely straight-off knock em' out. Instead of the overall 'hp' bar that finally marks your death, hide that and leave it as a bar that takes all the bleeding damage, whilst everything else (the limbs) take the brute/impact/whatever damage.

Such a system as SS13's medical system was only really viable because of the way targeting works, and such a thing would probably just look messy in a game like this. I imagine the way treatment would work is that wherever the medical item (syringe with corrigodone, bandage, whatever it is) is treated first, then it moves on to adjacent limbs (calf > thigh, thigh > lower body, so on) until the effect or 'charge' of the item runs out.

I suggest this because I think it'd encourage more teamwork. What's more emotionally-scarring, swimming past an unconscious body that hints nothing to whether or not it's alive and in need of help, or swimming past a crew member with broken legs begging for help, slowly running out of oxygen. Even being unable to use your arms and legs would be more entertaining game-value wise, as you can still talk, than just being unconscious. Of course there are other ways to go about this, and I'm not saying the way I suggested should be the way it should be implemented, I just believe that saying "Hey! Come up with a way to make medical more realistic!" without coming up with a solution myself is rather rude.