Another transportation method for cuffed personell

Since you get cuffed players up through ladders, it can become fairly difficult to get the prisoner to his cell.

I think, that there should be another method of bringing someone up or down the floors, like a lift/elevator.

I can think of only two ways on how to do it:
- An actual elevator: You place it on the wall, in the editor, and another one one over it (preferably in the next floor) and link them in the editor. Then trigger them to open, and press a button (like F, for example, since E would then ungrab the cuffed guy, or change the grabbing to F) to open it, step inside, (by pressing the button again?)
And then move to the other elevator, which got opened. Then proceed.

- OR an movable platform: Place some "platform bases" on the different floors, above eachother, then place on "moving plattform" on on of them, and link it with the bases. Then press a button, which causes it to move to the next base, so one floor atop (Or just several meters in the air, ensuring your doom if you fall down, heh).

Those are just merely some suggestions, obviously.

I'm Frost.