Screwdriver Weapon And Harpoon Pulling system.

What i suggest for you to put in the game is a screwdriver weapon system. Here's some info about it. Screwdriver Controls that will work for the game:
Hold right click to ready attack.
Press left click while holding right click to stab, the weapon is a charged-based weapon. Stabbing will cause bleeding that will increase depending on how much you charge the attack. If you stab hard enough it will stick in the player you are attacking. Some info: (When screwdriver is stuck in) The attacker will have to rapidly click left click to pull it out. They have to press right click to let go. After this the victim will have to pull out the screwdriver. It is like the harpoon pulling system.

Oh yea right the harpoon pulling system.
Here's some info about it. To pull out a harpoon from your body you must put the harpoon in the hand in your menu and press left click rapidly until the harpoon falls out.
Where is the harpoon? The harpoon is in a slot next to your hands. If someone with medical skill pulls it out for you (by pressing E) It has a lesser chance of creating more bleeding after the harpoon is pulled out. Here is the stats, less medical skill then 40: 60% chance of creating more bleeding, more medical skill then 40. 70% chance,
100 medical skill. 95% chance.

And that a suggestion i made for the game Barotrauma.

I hope you add it nice mates at undertow.