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Multiplayer; Persistence; MMO ?

Posted: Thu May 04, 2017 9:46 am
by flimflamm
It's hard to describe the multiplayer mechanics I envision, so I'll do it top down.

Imagine a server which hosts a map (not unlike the current Quest map) consisting of installations/docking points, and their individual connecting pathways (routes).

Now imagine that players can form groups and build/purchase/modify/repair subs and items when they are inside these installations (currently the inter-mission screen in quest mode eqivalent).

And now imagine that multiple groups of players can operate across the entire map (the server loads new instances as needed) and can also encounter each-other when they are in the same route.

Not all "routes" need be simulated at once, only the routes with actual players inside them would need to be instantiated. When players log off, they can save their player location (if they make it to an installation) and their existing sub (if they bring it to an installation) so that when they next log on they can continue from where they left off.

The main difficulty to pulling this off might be the processing requirements of running many players on many instances on a single server, but given the simplicity of the games graphics, I don't see any immediate reason why this would be impossible.

The main benefit to trying something like this would be to give the game rewarding and interesting long-term play-ability. If one server could hold around 100 or more people, then encounters with other players would provide infinite purpose and conflict. Encountering unknown subs would raise questions: are they pirate in nature? Finding crew as your sub grows would entail hiring people off the docks (a game unto itself). There would need to be content additions to provide more obstacles and in-game exploitable objectives, and maybe some widening of map areas close to installation ports, but only a few minimum changes would be essential to get such a multiplayer semi-persistent framework up and running.

There's of course an endless amount of improvements which could then be made on-top of this sort of multiplayer adaptation (mainly in map layouts and added content), but a basic economy that drives players to complete dynamic missions and fuels conflict would make for a pretty epic environment. The game has been green-lighted by steam and I hear tell of better net-code coming. If it gains in popularity, would an expansion such as this not prove desirable?
