Dart Gun

Basically, a syringe thrower. I partially implemented it in my mod but after some time trying to make it work, I believe it's not possible to make darts that will deal the containing drug effects on targets. So I made this instead:

Code: Select all

    name="Tranquilizer Dart"
	description="A dart containing Midazolam, which can be used to put either dangerous individuals or creatures to sleep."
	<Deconstruct time="5">
      <Item name="Polycarbonate Bar"/>

    <Sprite texture="Mods/Chiko/Items/Weapons/weapons.png" sourcerect="0,78,25,8" depth="0.55"/>

    <Body width="23" height="6" density="10.1"/>

    <Projectile launchimpulse="30" doesstick="true">
      <Attack damage="1" stun="120" damagetype="Slash"/>
	  <StatusEffect type="OnImpact" target="This" Condition="-100" delay="5.0"/>
	<Pickable slots="Any"/>
    name="Bleedout Dart"
	description="A dart containing Hematosine, which causes massive hemorrhage through all natural openings and wounds the victim might already have."
	<Deconstruct time="5">
      <Item name="Polycarbonate Bar"/>

    <Sprite texture="Mods/Chiko/Items/Weapons/weapons.png" sourcerect="31,78,25,8" depth="0.55"/>

    <Body width="23" height="6" density="10.1"/>

    <Projectile launchimpulse="30" doesstick="true">
      <Attack damage="1" bleedingdamage="75" stun="2" damagetype="Slash"/>
	  <StatusEffect type="OnImpact" target="This" Condition="-100" delay="5.0"/>
	<Pickable slots="Any"/>
    name="Dart Gun"
	description="This is an scoped pneumatic rifle that can propel darts containing different drugs."

    <Deconstruct time="10">      
      <Item name="Steel Bar"/>
      <Item name="Aluminium Bar"/>      
      <Item name="Polycarbonate Bar"/>
    <Sprite texture="Mods/Chiko/Items/Weapons/weapons.png" sourcerect="0,30,98,33" depth="0.55"/>

    <Body width="90" height="30" density="40"/>
    <RangedWeapon barrelpos="49,10" spread="0" unskilledspread="10">
      <Sound file="Mods/Chiko/Items/Weapons/DartGun1.ogg" type="OnUse"/>
      <Sound file="Mods/Chiko/Items/Weapons/DartGun2.ogg" type="OnUse"/>
      <RequiredItems name="Tranquilizer Dart,Bleedout Dart" type="Contained" msg="The loaded dart is depleted"/>
      <RequiredSkill name="Weapons" level="50"/>

    <ItemContainer capacity="1" hideitems="true">
      <Containable name="Tranquilizer Dart"/>
	  <Containable name="Bleedout Dart"/>
	<Holdable slots="RightHand+LeftHand,Any" controlpose="true"
              holdpos="35,-10" aimpos="60,5" handle1="-15,-6" handle2="26,7"/>
It's not as versatile as it needs to be but it works.

My suggestion is to implement code to allow projectiles to apply drug/chem effects upon impact, similar to how syringes work. I'm not savvy enough for actual coding but I can offer sprites with this suggestion: