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( [WIP] Titan Mark 2.1 - Scrapped

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2017 1:54 pm
by Scuba Recon
After a series of issues with it's size, I've decided to discontinue working on this design and try something shorter in lenght, however I will leave this up for those who still want to use it.
(If close-ups of certain sections of the design is desired I'll update with additional.)

Download :

This is a Prototype design among some of my later versions aiming for a 'traditional' shaped submarine. If full spaced heavy wall object is one unit, then this design in total would be 17 Units long and 4 units tall. The Submarine itself is 'functional' to a point that it can auto-navigate itself to and from locations. I didn't have any specific role in mind for this design, essentially I wanted to have a decent and fully stocked submarine to try and test through the campaign of Barotrauma. Having particular experience with what awaits most captains in the deep depths of Europa, the Titan is outfitted with a heavy outer hull to sustain most situations of either impact or damage. It's properly ventilated unless there's multiple people in one section that the vents cannot handle. The Sub also has two docking ports, one vertical and horizontal. (not wired up for shuttle use yet). Here's a list covering most of it's other outlined features.

[ Primary Battery Grid ] : The Sub still relies on a reactor, but to eliminate issues with sudden power surges and changes to loads from engines and ballast, the Reactor feeds and powers 10 batteries which in turn power the sub through normal junction boxes from lights, engines, oxygen, railguns, ect ect.. And allows the most of what one fuel rod can generate and also store as surplus in the sub's battery grid before a replacement is needed. (Most of it has been tweaked and tuned to avoid any accidental surges or problems with the reactor/battery power transfer, for most part)

[ Defense Overview ] : While nothing special in particular with the frontal Railguns, both front upper and lower are equipped with 2 loader racks each (10 railgun shells each, 20 all together), allowing longer sustained fire without need to critically re-arm in a hostile situation. In addition there is a rear and deck railgun to handle any unexpected surprises from above and behind. It is equipped with 5 depth charge pods with additional reserves, that allow individual deployment or can be deployed all at once to blanket anything below. There is a armory section at the lower front section that allows storage of surplus shells that should prevent them from moving about from impacts or other violent movement. (Same design used for storage of depth charges) The reason why it does not have full railgun coverage is intended as a challenge to balance out certain areas of using this design.

[ Sub's Areas ] : Starting with the Command Deck at the top of the Sub, accessed only via a hatch, the area has 3 controllers that allow camera views of the front, rear and above. In addition it features observation windows that can be opened and closed which can prevent flooding if the glass is breached but does not obstruct repairs. Aside of that it comes with the standard Navigation Terminal and Status monitor. Medical section has it's own fabricator and a moderate stock of supplies for creation of anything a Medical Doctor might need, also designated 'first aid' box to allow rapid treatment and healing for any injuries (there is a secondary also placed in the rear of the sub as well). Engineering section pretty much covers a few roles of crafting/deconstructing of items with a surplus storage of materials, also access of tools, there are also two lockers designated with maintenance gear in the mid and rear sections of the sub. The Cabin section holds extra uniforms and gear that may be useful for assistants along with a nearby battery recharge system. The Reactor room holds storage for fuel cells, wiring and other electrical components. There is an additional armory sector at the rear of the ship that stores depthcharges in a secure place but also prevents them from freely moving about. There is a periscope setup in the mid-section to allow viewing anything underneath, as well two additional Sonar and Status terminal stations located in the mid and rear to view and check any structural damage.The front mid section holds the controls for the front upper, lower and deck railgun as well as a observation window similar to the command deck. The rear features a fully open observation area which is dangerously vulnerable to breaching, originally the rear railgun controller was placed there, but for some reason the AI crew would equip diving suits before mounting the controls. So I moved it further inward.

There are 3 main anti-flood pumps set in the bottom mid-section, rear and engine room of the Sub with water-detection setup to activate once water is present to avoid any unwanted power drain, also each area has an alarm to indicate if there is severe flooding. Naturally the docking port sections have automatic small pump drainage for exit and re-entry through those sections.

As stated in the thread subject, this is still a work in progress as there seems to be some problems with it's auto-navigation speed when traveling through caverns. As of now, I'm making certain shuttle designs that could be usable alongside the main sub itself. Certain areas or controls and systems may have been relocated. Which is why the wiring is still present in some places. There was also some issue in the earlier design versions where it caused heavy frame loss at the rear of the sub. Ultimately I might restart from scratch again as I was not too sure if I made the design too long to fit through most sections of caves and tunnels.

[Current issues to fix/try fixing]
- Most likely due to the 'length' of the overall size, but tweaking a few things to try and fix the slow crawl speed of the auto-pilot navigation.
- Trying to find out the cause of why the npc crew equips diving suits when ordered to man the rear railgun despite moving the controls further inside. (They only do it if they transition from the stairs nearby the airlock room with the suits down to the lower section.)
- May release version 2.4 of Titan that features shuttles but trying to resolve a massive drop in FPS when using a shuttle's Sonar/Navigation control.
- Getting weird performance fps drop at the rear section of the submarine when it's in motion.

Re: ( [WIP] Titan Mark 2.1 - Scrapped

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2018 11:16 pm
by rico6822
You can try to make a smaller submarine that will make it easier to evade monsters.

Re: ( [WIP] Titan Mark 2.1 - Scrapped

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2018 8:40 am
by Scuba Recon
rico6822 wrote:You can try to make a smaller submarine that will make it easier to evade monsters.
Already have, it's still in the beta stages in which I'll post up here soon. I did my best but I cut it down to roughly 2 pieces shorter to this design.