Re: Introduce yourself thread

yonzo_rikuo wrote:hi my name is jemery but ive \ called a lot of thing um.. im not sure what to say because are a lot of thing si lick and i cant not them all without making a long post but what was i oh yeah my name is jemery but i dont reallyunderstand scp and wanted to help out fixing bugs and helping people fix bugs like the were 173 scp has teleporting through walls is that a feature anyway i mean if its a bug did reg add the bug in the first place bugs but anyway, i dont think i need to say outside of im a great user who is knew tothis forum and scp i scp even if foundation doesnt accept me for some reason they dickholes or something, but um yeah
i dont remember writing that, and my name is not jemery lol.
Furries and FnaF fan must be terminated to avoid incident-[REDACTED]
- DR.Yonzo

Re: Introduce yourself thread

Hi, I am contramaster I have came from site :REDACTED:. I am here for a few years because site :REDACTED: has been :EXPUNGED:.
Sorry Just having fun.

My Real name is Braydon, I'm 16 years old. I am a new movie director & producer :035: , Programmer, Web Developer :079: , and Partial Architect. I have a server called Serious SCP-RP open in gmod by Sulfuras Gaming. I help admin the forums and the game and make it fun. I'm t3rminat3d73 if you ever see me say hi!

I am currently working on getting a big! and I mean BIG production of a SCP CB movie. But right now I am attempting to get permissions for before I start recording anything. And It should be a feature length film.

But I mostly registered here to get in the loop with SCP stuff.

Re: Introduce yourself thread

Hello there, I'm LOL DUDE. The only name I go by online is LOL DUDE (though occasionally with other characters added in if it won't let me just use "LOL DUDE").

Ever since I first discovered the SCP Foundation, I've been fascinated by it. Recently, I've been visiting the Random SCP page on the official wiki, just reading through whatever happens to come up. What particularly gets me engrossed in it is how much cool stuff comes out of it, like SCP – Containment Breach.

I'll admit that I have probably only played SCP – Containment Breach twice or so in the past. It's not that I dislike the game, it's just that I can't handle the horror genre. At all. I hate being jumpscared. Despite this, I've still taken a great interest in the game, its contents, and its developments... so much that I've been kinda working on something for it.

I've noticed that, for all the music that's contained within the game, there has not been a soundtrack release for it. As a result, I've been working on my own soundtrack that I plan to release to you guys here to download once I'm done with it. I'll put more details in a topic dedicated to it (which I cannot make at the moment because I just created my account today and have not made three posts yet).

So, other than that... here I am!

Re: Introduce yourself thread

Hello everyone, I'm Eyeless and, awkwardly enough, I don't care much about SCP – Containment Breach. :|
See, I'm only here for Subsurface/Barotrauma (I'm a bit weirded out that this very introduction topic isn't filled under "General Off Topic" by the way, but whatever float your boat, so to speak). I'm mildly interested in the SCP-Foundation, but Containment Breach simply isn't my cup of tea game-wise.
While I'm not sure I'll personally play the game (you'd be surprised by how apathetic I am), I can see the appeal in multiplayer games based on collapsing shenanigans, am fascinated by atmospheric games with a developed universe, and have a deep interest in biology. My intention is thus to lurk the appropriate threads to follow, mainly, the development of Europa's fauna as it happens -with naturally the possibility of commenting in real time. Perhaps making suggestions, we'll see how it goes.
Since, as far as I can tell, Barotrauma won't focus exclusively on the local ecosystem and there's a ton of unrelated things to implement, I expect to be mostly inactive. :P

Re: Introduce yourself thread

Hello guys, Xavier is here! I've heard about SCP Containment Breach in 2013, I believe, but I didn't have enough courage to play it (yeaaah..). But now I have some kind of magnetism to horror games, so I downloaded it. And it is awesome and scary (and laggy for some reasons)!