Re: Easter Egg: An anomalous duck

"Appearance reflects generic duck design, with the addition of a fuzzy green hat. Any subject holding this object perceives every living organism in their line of sight to be wearing a similar fuzzy green hat."

This would be great as an anomalous duck (#6 on the list) that you can pick up... the image of Larry with a fuzzy green hat on is just too good to pass up.

Re: Easter Egg: An anomalous duck

Found the new duckies, though sax duck doesn't seem to do anything interesting. Just kinda sits there looking silly haha
EDIT: nevermind, after i posted this it just made a sound that actually startled me ahaha YOU GOOFY DUCK
I'm guessing the game's taking place before sax duck was destroyed then? haha I kid~

also yes fuzzy green hat duck would be super great to see; it'd be kind of tricky to find as it wouldn't be in a out there look-at-me location, but when you find it you can actually pick it up and start seeing 106, 096, and the MTFs with hats as long as it's in your inventory! That should be easy enough to implement, right?
Last edited by Tikara on Mon Dec 10, 2012 11:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.