Re: Dev Topic #2

Day 6 and still nothing i hope it comes out next week...
One day, on Steam..

Code: Select all

26 Fe + Mexican food =: lets see if you're oh so mister oh so smart
26 Fe + Mexican food =: who am i
ShadowDust: IronFajitas
26 Fe + Mexican food =: fuck
ShadowDust: *flies away*

Re: Dev Topic #2

Weren't there rumors of an April 6th release? Well, they're not bloody true. They were all rubbish and fake and Reggie hasn't released a teaser for it and it's not out yet and I hate everything that has ever existed.

I've been watching to much Ashens to where I read everything in his voice and I say British slang like "bloody" and "rubbish".
Heheh, you said a bad word.

All of you guys really are special. Did you guys know that? Yes you guys are! Each in your own special way.

Re: Dev Topic #2

MrJPenguin1 wrote:Weren't there rumors of an April 6th release? Well, they're not bloody true. They were all rubbish and fake and Reggie hasn't released a teaser for it and it's not out yet and I hate everything that has ever existed.

I've been watching to much Ashens to where I read everything in his voice and I say British slang like "bloody" and "rubbish".
He's technically the only dev, so any release date made by anyone other than himself is bound to be fake.
SCP - Box of Horrors v0.8.0b
Github Profile

Re: Dev Topic #2

He's busy with Military related duties.
Hopefully Regalis' new-found PTSD from the military will reflect onto the updated foundation!
Doomed From Birth

Re: Dev Topic #2

I don't know where these this rumor of a April 6 announcement came from, as InnocentSam said, since Regalis is the only Developer he is the only one who can confirm release dates and the such.

I actually should stress to people that although I am an Admin, with the pretty Red Text, I am not a Developer nor am I kept in the know of upcoming changes/version/SCP's and the like by Regalis, would be nice by ehh, so please don't ask me about these things.
SCP:CB Administrator. 99% of my statements are my own and do not represent the official developers viewpoint.

Re: Dev Topic #2

Should be sometime soon since Regalis said either the end of last month or early this month. But, I guess whenever he has the time to upload it :)
Creator of SCP: Containment Breach Trailers, Creator of Containment Breach: Run.

Re: Dev Topic #2

i belive me or reglias should make a Dev Topic #3 thread since there are alot of pages now.
This profile's been around for nearly eight years


(last edited 10/09/2020)

Re: Dev Topic #2

hug0905 wrote:i belive me or reglias should make a Dev Topic #3 thread since there are alot of pages now.
Regalis should do it, but I think this thread can still be used.

Re: Dev Topic #2

That was a rather badly done performance.

Also, the reason this thread is so huge is mainly from anticipation, and a little bit of derailing here and there. This is no exception. I will agree that a new Dev Topic would be nice, considering how huge this one has already become in the 4 months with little over 20 posts from Regalis on it. Either new rules should be set and this can be the final topic(no constantly bumping to ask when the next update is out, no randomly derailing, etc), or Regalis creates a final one, perhaps when he gets off the military service.
It slep time bunner.