Re: SCP-096 attacking MTF?


Actually, in incident-096-1-a, scp-096 goes for the first person who sees it and then for the others in chronological order. Although it does flip a couple vehicles on the highway and whatnot, which could be debatable as either him attacking them for seeing him and then continuing on, or him 'pushing' them out of the way. (When I mean pushing, I mean flipping them onto their side or upside down)
:geek: :096:

Re: SCP-096 attacking MTF?

It would indeed be good if MTF attacked 096, but i doubt he would attack them because you were the one who provoked him in the first place.

Re: SCP-096 attacking MTF?

Should you encounter MTF while being chased by SCP-096, they're probably going to realize your situation and take care know exactly what to do. Best course of action: Should this unlikely event happen, you get a free pass. MTF will not attack you, and they will attempt to re contain SCP-096, that way you give the player a break, however the creature will still be prone to escape.

Re: SCP-096 attacking MTF?

Read the rules before posting, necroing month old threads are not something we like seeing here.
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