Re: v0.8 discussion thread + new video.

Zeruel 353 wrote:For those who do not noticed the figure in black was SCP-513 by the bell ringing. From what I saw for the scp-513 v0.8 will appear with more realism in contrast to the error in the previous versions.

For a moment I thought it was a new animation of :106:
It's using the SCP-096 Placeholder model used from 0.6 to 0.6.4 too.
I Survived SCP-106's Pocket Dimension And All I Got Was This Stupid ID Card

Re: v0.8 discussion thread + new video.

I suggest that (maybe) this update should have is more animations, for example:

-At some deaths, there could be an animation where the SCP attacks the player and is shown in first person (e.g. if 096 catches the player, the player falls back and appears tears the player apart, probably like L4D's Witch, etc.) to just make it cosmetically realistic, as well as to improve the gameplay of the still-in-development SCP multiplayer mod.

-When being smashed by SCP-173 (He does not teleport; He slides across the floor and up walls which make the stone-like sounds) the player should probably land on a position depending on where 173 hit the player (e.g. If hit from behind, the player will fall quick and violently foreward)

-And other stuph.

Hope you guys will agree. :idea:

Re: v0.8 discussion thread + new video.

Jeeves wrote:I was under the impression from one of the scp stories that 173 tends to break a persons neck or strangle them so that when they die the last thing the face was his face.
I'd like to see 173 occasionally try to strangle the player instead of always breaking the neck. There could also be a chance to break free if you mash the mouse button.
spartan322 wrote:it is not every day that an SCP comes out of the closet.
"I'm not a psychopath. I'm a high-functioning sociopath."
My SCP playthrough
Trex plays Amnesia: AMFP

Re: v0.8 discussion thread + new video.

173 is very easy to avoid in most cases though, so adding a chance that it doesn't one-hit-kill you would only make it weaker as a danger.

Speaking of 173, I have a suggestion. I don't expect this to be in 0.8, but perhaps in future versions could have 173 move around when there's an object between it and the player. Currently, 173 remains static even if an object blocks your line of sight completely and will still only move when you blink. Granted, there are only a few rooms where this would be significant (the server rooms, for instance), but I believe 173 needs to be more aggressive and more dangerous, and this would do just that. Just a thought.

Re: v0.8 discussion thread + new video.

SpiderBat wrote:when is the next version coming out, I want to see SCP-682 as a model no just a floppy arm
I think sometime later this week.
This profile's been around for nearly eight years


(last edited 10/09/2020)

Re: v0.8 discussion thread + new video.

That's the most logical thing i've read relating to SCP 682, i understand it's hard to do, they even tried using the model from SCP Six Eight Two, but it came up to difficult to manage and glitchy. but from what i read, it's humanoid in nature, it dosen't have too look like a lizard with a large body, standing straight is usually it's normal form, how do you think they get it around to other SCP's for testing, the room SCP 173 is in is pretty small, and just for him, the termination test that SCP 632 went through with SCP 173 took hours in that small room, what stopped it from changing size and escaping. I'm sorry if i got you mad with wanting a model but a swinging arm in the end of the game isn't so amazing.

EDIT: I just read the description of SCP 131, they seem like little eye drops with one eyeball and a wheel underneath them, SCP containment breach lets you pick up items, including useful and useless SCP's, they would be a item pick up, when ever 173 is around, they could just stare at it until you leave then call them back, there's a record of them doing this within there Addendum. A nice little buddy to make things less scary for all of us for those like me, that jump at anything. :) :laugh:

EDIT2: Yes, type in SCP-054, to call in the Water Nymph :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

MOD EDIT: Merged triple posts.
The Government Knows EVERYTHING!!!