An "Ambitious" Idea

A few days ago, I just recieve my Ouya in the mail, and spent quite a lot of time setting it up for streaming games from my pc to the device, as well as playing a few games from the ouya library. I had quite a bit of fun with it (It was like being a kid with his N64 again :D), but I realized that there weren't really any ambitious games to chose from apart from Final Fantasy 3.

Then it hit me, What if SCP: Containment Breach was on the ouya? It would make the game more popular, and it would allow the game to make it on a console as well as being on pc. It's just an idea, but I really thing that both the Ouya and the game could benefit from this.

Just an idea, hopefully someone could tell me weather it's a good or bad one.

Re: An "Ambitious" Idea

Regalis wrote:No.

1. Oyua uses Android, so SCPCB won't run on it.
2. Even if it did, I doubt Oyua would have enough power to run SCPCB properly. You know, some mobile phones have more powerful hardware than Oyua.
3. The concept of Oyua is so retarded that I'm staying as far away from it as I can. It's basically just some overpriced tablet/phone hardware in a fancy box.