Re: Game's engine to be moved to Unity 5

D-9999 wrote:[youtube]Xrne2-gOoqU[/youtube]

Unless you're thinking of doing it yourself as a fan port, then refer to my video I just linked.
see below and I'm not planning to do anything
SyphenTV wrote:If you read the Frequently Asked Questions, then you would know that the game engine is not changing.
FAQ wrote:Change the game engine to 'x' - While that game engine might look better it is not the one that the development team wants to use and are comfortable with, it would also mean starting everything from scratch. So no.
Well, it was just a suggestion and my recommendation + the FaQ is almost 3 years old.

Re: Game's engine to be moved to Unity 5

_M4Z_ wrote:
D-9999 wrote:[youtube]Xrne2-gOoqU[/youtube]

Unless you're thinking of doing it yourself as a fan port, then refer to my video I just linked.
see below and I'm not planning to do anything
SyphenTV wrote:If you read the Frequently Asked Questions, then you would know that the game engine is not changing.
FAQ wrote:Change the game engine to 'x' - While that game engine might look better it is not the one that the development team wants to use and are comfortable with, it would also mean starting everything from scratch. So no.
Well, it was just a suggestion and my recommendation + the FaQ is almost 3 years old.
Even if it is a suggestion, it's going to be rejected. Regalis is comfortable using Blitz3D, and I think everyone knows that it's probably not going to change. Besides, reading the FAQ will give knowlage. Reg, would have changed it, or made a new one if things were going to change.

Re: Game's engine to be moved to Unity 5

SyphenTV wrote:Even if it is a suggestion, it's going to be rejected. Regalis is comfortable using Blitz3D, and I think everyone knows that it's probably not going to change. Besides, reading the FAQ will give knowlage. Reg, would have changed it, or made a new one if things were going to change.
To be honest, now after a couple additional years of experience with other languages and engines, "comfortable" isn't a word I'd use to describe how I feel about using something as limited as B3D, so the reason for not switching the engine isn't that I prefer B3D over something like Unity.

If switching to Unity was as easy as dropping the assets into the editor and pressing some button to convert the entire code into C#/JavaScript, I would've done it already, but in reality porting the game to another engine is an enormous task. You can get some idea about the scale by looking at the existing porting projects; none of them have been completed yet even though better programmers than me have been working on them for months or even years.

So, I'm sorry but I have no intention to port the game into Unity or any other engine (at least at the moment). There are a couple of promising porting projects going on though, so you might still get to play a version of SCP-CB on a better engine at some point. :)