My new SCP Game like SCP Contaiment Breach

So.... I starting creating my own SCP Game. I making it with my friend, so i making it in Unity... No it not be 100% like SCP Contaiment Breach. It gonna be simmiliar but not the same. I want add alot of new SCP, i say ALOT. So i want to create too multiplayer at my game, where you can be some of SCPS or MTF or Class-D. So now i creating inventory, it gonna be hard, but i think its posibble! Well you know... So when i create inventory i try to creating an intro. It gonna be like you go with the MTF (yea its similliar to SCP Contaiment Breach) and you go to the SCP-096 place. You must then wait, because other Class-D is now in room. So you hear scream and you see blood, and you see that SCP-096 is killing other person. Then you fall in sleep :laugh:. Then you gonna wake up in room. Mini ,,tutorial" will be not generated, but when you pass the door on the left of this T-room. So i gonna make room generation in alpha. Now i gonna make the inventory as i say. If you have some ideas to my game say it in comments! So yes.... yea you can watch it if you want: Sorry for lags its my recorder problem! So i want to improve the lighting and shaders to look darker and better. I have a plan with gas room, there is a temperature control room when you can set temperature of gas. If you set this to high, gas = fire, if too low = gas = ice, so.... Say if this idea good :)))
See ya later in another updates! :035: :035:

Re: My new SCP Game like SCP Contaiment Breach

Lukasz123x wrote:Ahh 914 killed me... Im bad at english... Unity is good engine.... then whats more you want? Im from Poland...
Don't respond to 914, he goes into every thread hating on Unity. I'm pretty sure he's just a troll that somehow hasn't gotten banned from the forums yet. Unity is a fine engine, and I challenge anyone hating on it to go remake SCP in their engine of choice - a much better use of their time.

On topic - This is looking cool! More SCP games are awesome