Apology For any stealing that I did not know I was doing

When I created the more rooms mod it was created in 2016 here is also the link to the downloads on moddb to prove it

oh and I also realized that I have the room2vents from the NTF mod in my mod :shock:
shoot! now I need to change that

sorry PXLSHN If that counts as stealing I was barrowing it
but I'll change the textures and the description for that room.

but I'll give credits to PXLSHN for the room. Its a really cool room

I realized that using mods fully counts as stealing
so I'll just barrow a few rooms for now on unless its a room that I created
I'm sorry
But now I know and im going to make sure that's change so if any room that I use i'll make sure to change somethings