Re: This poor game deserves better.

Wow i made a post about the game trying to help and all i get is negative posts with insults towards me you guys dont have to be rude to others just because you have boring and pathetic pointless lifes with no purpose please leave this thread and go play blue whale or something we dont need your negativity here

Does anyone got an idea how to make this game better?

Re: This poor game deserves better.

Corrosive Beast wrote:Does anyone got an idea how to make this game better?
1. Find a team of competent developers willing to spend a year or few working on a game with little to no monetary compensation
2. Rethink some of the design aspects, improving on the aspects where SCP-CB's design failed (plenty of ideas for this part in the collaboration subforum)
3. Choose a more modern engine than B3D and start making the game (IMO Unity would be a viable choice and the one I'd personally use)
4. ???
5. PROFI... Uhh, nvm

Re: This poor game deserves better.

Regalis wrote:
Corrosive Beast wrote:Does anyone got an idea how to make this game better?
1. Find a team of competent developers willing to spend a year or few working on a game with little to no monetary compensation
2. Rethink some of the design aspects, improving on the aspects where SCP-CB's design failed (plenty of ideas for this part in the collaboration subforum)
3. Choose a more modern engine than B3D and start making the game (IMO Unity would be a viable choice and the one I'd personally use)
4. ???
5. PROFI... Uhh, nvm
no pls dont jump from a lame engine to a even lamer one you will waste your time only!

and this game deserves profit and a lot of it you should sell it 50$ with port to a better engine and less bugs

Re: This poor game deserves better.

juanjpro wrote:
Corrosive Beast wrote:no pls dont jump from a lame engine to a even lamer one you will waste your time only!
Would you care to elaborate on what actually makes Unity "lame"? The tons of crap games created in Unity don't mean much regarding the quality of the engine itself.
idk man all the unity games i played seem to have no "soul"
this engine seems plain generic the physics in those games is pure cancer, i downloaded a collection of 500 android games and was trying them one by one and every time i was seeing the unity logo when a game starts i would exit force close the game and uninstall it and delete the apk and obb if it even had an obb file!

This shitty engine can turn you into an atheist because theres no way a god would allow the existance of such a disgusting piece of trash i hate it and every kid and rookie out there who created (no offence to the created word) all the abominations that have the unity logo.

The good thing this unity logo is like a warning that a game will be shitty so i can easily avoid them.

And pc unity games are lame and nothing compared to the aaa games and the engines that are used for said games.

And im not hating indie devs since indie devs created some of my favorite games

And scp in unity port wont be completed i can bet money on that keep donating money to this guys patreon so he can "buy" tools to develop this port haha

Re: This poor game deserves better.

Corrosive Beast wrote:i downloaded a collection of 500 android games
Android games are all shit. They can't really make good use of Unity. There's a ton of good games in Unity. Cities: Skylines, Rust, Infinifactory, seriously, I could spend all day listing them, but I won't because "too long didn't read >=("
I told you that the programmer decides how good the game is, not the engine. Unity isn't an outdated engine like Blitz is, so there's nothing stopping it from looking as good as an Unreal game.

And what's with your hating on a random guy that has nothing to do with the Unity engine, besides making a port?