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Wow, do I really comeback? Do I really still making the game?

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2017 7:48 am
by Lukasz123x
Yes. I comeback, and I making the game.
I have really alot of errors.... but now..
when I fixed them, I can show you my plans for the game.
But first you can watch my new videos on channel with a new version with better UI:

Yes I now, its not best.
But yea... I will show you my plans!

- SCP-999 (cuuuteee)
- SCP-682 (not cute)
- SCP-457
- SCP-343
- SCP-354 (blood, blood, and blood!)
- SCP-732 (i'manorphanwithnofamilybutlotsofmoneybwahahahaha!)
- SCP-002
- SCP-990 (nocomment)
- SCP-2521
- SCP-131 (do you like eyes? yes! i too!)
- SCP-076 (soon he kill everyone on planet, lol)
- SCP-055
- SCP-087
- And all scps from scp cb

And yup! This is my plans for new SCPs, if you have other ideas, send me them in comments!
P.S. sorry for bad English, Im from Poland.