Animation ideas

I had a few ideas for animations.

In the camera disruptions room instead of just dying from the pictures I thing your character should look towards a draw in the room (while a faint imprint of the pictures is on your screen), walk towards the draw, pull out a gun or knife and commit suicide.

For the suicidal guard it struck me as odd he was lying on the floor, not moving while he commits suicide. So instead put him in a cubical, and when he commits suicide, the door opens and his corpse lands on the floor.

Anyone else got some ideas?
Aspiefox: The Forum Phox (Phoenix Fox).
Aspergers Flavoured

Re: Animation ideas

I must say, this is a good idea. Makes the game more creepy. I think that there should be a rooms were an SCP (096 maybe) kills someone, just to warn you that if you look at it, your screwed. Maybe 096 busting down a few doors, so you can know its power, and it will lead you to it's spawn room. That would be useful.
(Also, for future reference, my name is MagicJackz)

Re: Animation ideas

AspieFox wrote:For the suicidal guard it struck me as odd he was lying on the floor, not moving while he commits suicide. So instead put him in a cubical, and when he commits suicide, the door opens and his corpse lands on the floor.
That actually sounds like a better scene to me. Should have a blood spatter on the wall behind the toilet from the gunshot, the guard should have his helmet off and laying on the ground to the side, and a bullet hole through his head on his texture. After he falls forward onto the ground the blood starts to pool.