Why the Heavy Containment Zone is left to the Entrance Zone?

Just curious. I suppose it's because the structure and challenge of the game, but now think this is real life... Would the Heavy Containment (HCZ) Zone be left to the Entrance Zone?

I think it not make much sense, the HCZ is the place where the most dangerous SCPs are contained, so it would be like: Heavy Containment Zone > Light Containment Zone > Entrance Zone


It's a doubt I had since the first time I played the game, and it's just that, curiosity :049:

Re: Why the Heavy Containment Zone is left to the Entrance Zone?

It is because the Entrance Zone is for the influential person in the foundation as the doctors, the LCZ is where the tests are carried out with the objects is more secret and the HCZ is only to keep the objects. But the foundation has multiple outputs throughout the "endroom" site, the most influential of which are gate A and B.
End Room LCZ:
Storage Room LCZ
Small End Room HCZ:
GLaDOS: "Good-bye, my only friend."
Me: (gasp) :O
GLaDOS: "Oh, did you think I meant you?"
Me: ... :REDACTED: . T_T
... GLaDOS x SCP-079 :079_2:

Re: Why the Heavy Containment Zone is left to the Entrance Zone?

ADMAndrew wrote:It is because the Entrance Zone is for the influential person in the foundation as the doctors, the LCZ is where the tests are carried out with the objects is more secret and the HCZ is only to keep the objects. But the foundation has multiple outputs throughout the "endroom" site, the most influential of which are gate A and B.
End Room LCZ:
Storage Room LCZ
Small End Room HCZ:
Oh, I see :O

So these doors are also ways to go outside the facility?? Woah, I thinked they was like big storage rooms or something like that.

Thanks you!