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SCP-106 Timer

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2017 11:25 pm
by Trake
So there wasn't anything anywhere that told me how fast SCP-106's spawning timer decreased, so I did the logging and calculating for all of you REDACTED, so, let's get started.
First, how much time is there in x amount of seconds?

There is 1 tick for every 0.0166 second
There are 10 ticks for every 0.166 seconds
There are 100 ticks for every 1.666 seconds
There are 1000 ticks for every 16.66 seconds
There are 10000 ticks for every 166.66 seconds or 2 minutes 46.66 seconds

Contrary to popular belief, SCP-106's spawn timer isn't really random when the game starts, I have yet to test his timer after he disappears the first time, but this is what I have for his initial timer when you first start the timer when walking out of the room when you first encounter SCP-173.
Now, to make your guy's lives easier, I'm not just going to tell you how much time you can have before he spawns, but also how many ticks he can start with. SCP-106's timer randomizes, from the large amounts of testing that I have done as of right now, 5 different initial ticks, which aren't affected by the mode you are on.
Ticks to Minutes till spawn:

Possible Tick Start 1: 63000 - 17 Minutes 30 Seconds or 1050 seconds
Possible Tick Start 2: 71400 - 19 Minutes 50 seconds or 1190 seconds
Possible Tick Start 3: 54600 - 15 Minutes 10 seconds or 910 seconds
Possible Tick Start 4: 58800 - 16 Minutes 20 seconds or 980 seconds
Possible Tick Start 5: 50400 - 14 minutes or 840 seconds

Now, I have a vague memory of seeing SCP-106's tick timer, after disappearing for the first time, being 20000 ticks. Based on the ticks per second list at the top, I had 5 minutes 33 seconds left before he showed his ugly face a second time. Of course it's rounded in order to keep my sanity.

There are 20000 ticks for every 333 seconds or 5 minutes 33 seconds

How long till we can get this information into SCP:CB SCP-106's wiki page? :laugh:

Re: SCP-106 Timer

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2017 8:43 pm
by Trake
I thought my research would be loved :sad:, does no one care? :laugh:

Re: SCP-106 Timer

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2017 11:32 pm
by PootWizard
Should have replied sooner... But this is really intresting... I though it was always fixed

Re: SCP-106 Timer

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2017 12:21 am
by GreatCorn
Trake wrote:I thought my research would be loved :sad:, does no one care? :laugh:
It's always like this

Re: SCP-106 Timer

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2017 8:03 pm
by -ForgotName-
Well, This information is kinda good, Me as someone that likes to exploit whit SCP'S Like 106 or another ones, this helps me a lot and makes my job easier, Thanks, Something that i saw that maybe it's interesting,If we go to gate A whitout traping SCP 106 and letting him die/dissapear at the GATE A ending we teleport to his containment area, where we should do the part of femur breaker and that, He will come there even if he died/dissapeared, Thats a funny fact that i found. Anyway man, Thanks a lot for this information