Re: A book based on SCP:CB, is almost done and I want some feedback.


Part 1 - The breach

Chapter 1 - Class-D - he wakes up in his cell, its his first time being experimented on after experimenting on other people, he hears footsteps coming and the door opens, he then gets led down corridors making his his way to SCP-173's chamber, the guard tells him to go inside, there are 2 other class d's, the big metal doors creek open revealing a tall concrete statue like being that is standing facing away from him in the corner, while big splotches of brown and red litter the floor.

Chapter 2 - The statue - the doors creek closed behind him and the intercom says 'please approach SCP-173 for testing', suddenly the doors open again, then shut, then open, and the intercom says 'we're having a problem with the door controls so please maintain direct eye contact with SCP-173 at all times', the lights flash and SCP-173 suddenly appears next to one of the Class-D an snaps his neck.

Chapter 3 - The escape - the lights flash again and the 2nd Class-D gets his neck snapped, Class-D 9341 races out of the cell as the lights flash again but this time they stay off, the guard next to the door gets his neck snapped too, as Class-D 9341 runs out of SCP-173's room, and into a large room with computers and chairs, a scientist and a guard are backing away from SCP-173, and the guard says 'keep your eyes on it', Class-D 9341 hears over the intercom 'warning, multiple Euclid and Keter level containment breaches detected, full site lock down initiated

Part 2 - Full site lock down

Chapter 4 - Don't blink - he blinks and suddenly SCP-173 disappears, he adds up all the facts and guesses that if you can't see SCP-173 then he teleports towards you and snaps your neck, he exits the large room and enters a T - junction, he turns left and he faces with a long corridor, he is halfway down it when the door at the end opens and he is faced with SCP-173 again, he walks backwards and blinks, SCP-173 moves closer, he fumbles for the door button, he blinks again, SCP-173 is right in from of him, he finds the door button and closes it behind him just in time as he blinks.

Chapter 5 - A strange feeling - Still looking at the door, he walks to the right door, he opens the door and closes it behind him, he breaths a sigh of relief and continues down the corridor, he comes to another T - junction he goes to turn left but something tells him not to go that way, it is a strange feeling, but he doesn't ignore it, he goes right and enters another corridor, this one however, has an SCP attached to it!

Chapter 6 - The clockwork - He runs over to it, it has a label on the side that reads 'SCP-914 object class: safe,' he inspects the door and sees that it requires a key card, he makes a mental note to come back later, he makes his way down the corridor and ends up in a big room, with another opening to the left and a glass panel and a door to the right, he notes the opening on the right and finds multiple shelves with gas masks, navigators, batteries, and a level 1 key card.

Part 3 - Level 2

Chapter 7 - The third encounter - he pockets a gas mask, the key card, 2 batteries and and SNAV navigator and he hears the door on the right open and the sound of scraping stone, he comes out of the opening to find SCP-173 standing in the corridor, he locks eyes with it, and backs away towards SCP-914.

Chapter 8 - helpful advice - he thinks that maybe if he gets inside he'll be safe from SCP-173, he tries the key card but it just beeps a low beep, it isn't a high enough level, he thought, he goes to race past SCP-173 but feels as if he should wait, so he blinks and SCP-173 comes up right next to him, he gets a strong feeling to run past it, so he does exactly that, it was lucky he waited because the door wouldn't open until the 3rd try!

Chapter 9 - getting an upgrade - he Runs to the other end of the corridor with the opening into another corridor with a door, he uses his key card on the slot and it beep open, he shuts it behind him, he surveys the room he's in, there is a big room with a pane in glass in the center separating it into 2 rooms, on the left wall is a filing cabinet with a level 2 key card on top! He exits the room and sprints past SCP-173 and uses his new key card on the door to 914, and it beeps open.

Part 4 - The upgrade machine

Chapter 10 - refine and revive - he looks at 914, it has an intake and an output slot, there is also I dial on the center of the machine that reads: 'rough, course, 1:1, fine and very fine, there is a slot with a key under that, there is also a piece of paper on a bench In the room but is too smudged to read. There is also a medical kit on a shelve along with a notice that says 'do not put biological materials into SCP-914, we do not want a repeat of the, spider-metal incident

Chapter 11 - the learning experience - he guesses that this machine changes things, so he guesses that 'rough' and 'course' will destroy the item, which means that 'fine' and 'very fine' will improve the item, but he does not know what '1:1' means. He puts the level 1 and 2 key cards in the 'input' compartment, turns the dial to fine and turns the key. He hears grinding noises and gears turning for what felt like an eternity, until he heard a 'ding' and the output doors opened revealing a level 2 and level 3 card!

Chapter 12 - Technological advancements - he puts his gas mask and his SNAV navigator in the input slot, turns the key and waits until he hears the familiar 'ding' that means his items are ready, his gas mask looks the same but his SNAV is now called the 'SNAV Navigator Ultimate, it reboots and it now has the entire facility and it shows where the SCP's are. He puts his key cards into the machine again but all that comes out is a level 3 card and a credit card.

Part 5 - Double trouble

Chapter 13 - peripheral Jumper - he makes his way back towards the place where he got his level 2 key card, but this time he goes past it into the next room, it is a plus junction, with an SCP attached, he walks up to the sign and it says: 'SCP-372 object class: Euclid,' the room has a large glass cell in the center with lots of computers around it, in one corner is a shelf with a piece of paper that has info on SCP-372, but it also has the numbers: '8932' written on it he thought that it might be a useful combination so he took the paper.

Chapter 14 - the blue key - he exits the room and goes straight ahead, the room has 2 SCP's inside, one is SCP-840 and the other is SCP-714, both safe, he uses his level 3 card on 840, inside is a small box with a blue key, in closer inspection it seems to have 3 numbers on it in the form of 'lat' and 'long,' the numbers are '17°1, thinking it might be used to open a special door, he takes it without question.

Chapter 15 - The Jade ring - he exits the room and enters SCP-714's room, inside is another small box, but this time it has a small green ring, most likely made of jade or the like, he puts it on and it grew to fit it finger, he suddenly felt overwhelmingly tired and almost fell asleep on the spot, but he quickly took off the ring and he felt better, he stopped and inspects the ring, it didn't look too special, but he could understand how it was anomalistic, it shrinks when you put it on and it makes you tired also, but the blue key looked normal, apart from the strange coordinates on it it was perfectly fine.

Part 6 - the underground

Chapter 16 - The basement - he exited the room and turned left into another corridor, but at the end of this one was an elevator! He thought it could be the elevator to the surface, so he raced towards into it and went to push the up button but there was just the button for the door, so he pressed that instead, he felt his body lost gravity and he cursed himself for being so foolish, he knew that if this was the exit there would be higher security, but for now he had to live with the basement.

Chapter 17 - voices in the dark - 'ding' the elevator doors slide open revealing an almost pitch black hallway, he makes his way along it when he spotted a left turn, he headed that way but he was greeted by an elevator shaft that would mean death if he fell down, he backtracked to the corner and turned left, he kept walking until he found a filing cabinet with a pill on top, he as he took it he thought was thinking why all the good stuff was on top of filing cabinets, he suddenly heard someone say 'is someone there?!'

Chapter 18 - in the corner of your eye...- he jerked towards the source of the sound, but he saw a weird green thing just out o the corner of his eye, but he ignores it, the sound was coming from somewhere in the distance, he crouched towards it, being as quiet as possible, when he saw it, it was not a man nor woman, it was red, had spines along its back, it had a crocodile like snout and four long legs, the hairs on the back of his neck stood up, as it said: 'there's no point hiding I know your there.'

Part 7 - Hide and seek

Chapter 19 - storage room - he froze, he didn't dare breath, for the chance it might know where he was, long seconds past until the creature moved away from him, he counted to 5 before following it, the small corridor led to what looked like some sort of storage room, but it was completely trashed, boxes were scatted and on their side, he hugged the left wall until he found another corridor, it took a right turn and led him to a switch labeled section 3,' he pulled the lever and heard the sound of a door opening.

Chapter 20 - Found you! - He backtracked along the corridor until he got back to the main room, he crouched towards the sound of the door opening, he looked down and saw night vision goggle, so he took them, he continued on until he found it, he followed the corridor until it popped out into another room, slightly smaller than the last, he, again, stuck to the left wall and made his way along it, when he heard 'oh its just you, I thought it was someone else,' he ignored the sound and continued on until he go to another hallway, but before he could go down it he heard someone say, 'found you!'

Chapter 21 - Run - He then heard the sound of four legs sprinting towards him, he turned and bolted down the corridor, he looked back and saw the same red monster chasing him, he turned the corner and saw and elevator, he pressed the button and waited, all while the monster was gaining, it was almost on him when, 'ding!' The elevator doors slid open, he fell inside and press the button, the doors closed just in time.

Part 8 - SCP-205

Chapter 22 - shadow lamps - 'Ding,' the elevator doors opened, he stepped out of the elevator, the only way he could go was left so he did just that, he came to a door and opened it but all that was on the other side was a dead end corridor with an SCP at the end of it, he looked at the sign next to the door, 'SCP-205 object Euclid,' he tried his level 3 key card on the door and it opened, the room was a large room with a pane of glass in the center, a door on the left and computers at the back, the pane of glass was looking out on 2 photography flood lamps, presumably SCP-205.

Chapter 23 - that feeling again - suddenly the lamp projected a shadow on the wall, even though it was just him in the room, that shadow was of a woman striking poses, then two horned figures came along, and they chatted. When the two horned figures appeared, the door leading to the lamps opened, but he got a feeling if he went inside the shadows would look at him and kill him, he trusted that feeling, so he didn't go in. There didn't seem like there was much else in SCP-205's room, so he began the long backtrack to the T - junction.

Chapter 24 - LEGIT - he walked out of SCP-205's chamber, took at left, went down the corridor, into the elevator, down the elevator, crouched back to the other elevator but he got spotted again! So he yelled 'LEGIT!' and sprinted to the elevator and got inside, he went up the elevator, down the corridor, past SCP-372, past where he got his level 2 key card but before he could go past the storage room with the batteries and gas masks, he heard someone say, 'okay I think the exit is this way...'

Part 9 - The fourth encounter

Chapter 25 - Crunch! - he then heard another voice say 'gotcha, let's get moving then,' then two sickening crunches and the sound of two bodies hitting the floor, he peeked round the door and saw SCP-173 again, so he closed the door, blinked the charged past him, open the door on the other side of the corridor and he closed it behind him, but it was not over yet... As he was walking down the corridor that led to the T-junction, the door behind him opened and SCP-173 was standing in the doorway!

Chapter 26 - We meet again SCP-914 - 'great,' he thought, 'he can open doors, how am I supposed to escape him now? The only tactic I have is to not blink, so I'll have to have to use that,' so he did just that, he didn't didn't blink until he got to SCP-914, then he rubbed his eyes and blinked rapidly, 'well that's over, unless he can open key card doors,' he was glad to know that it can't open those types of doors, 'while I'm here,' he thought, 'I may as well try and upgrade these night vision goggles.

Chapter 27 - The T junction - He ended up getting the goggles to show the exact location of animate SCP's, which will turn out to be quite useful later he could see that SCP-173 was 30 meters to the left of SCP-914's chamber, but to the northwest, it showed another SCP, SCP-049 was 40 meters in that direction, which was exactly where he needed to be, so he took a deep breath, and exited SCP-914's chamber towards and entered to T junction. It was just how it was the first time he saw it, he took a right turn and came face to face with a big pile of black ooze on the floor.

Part 10 - Surveillance room

Chapter 28 - Don't step in the shadow - he inspected it, although he found nothing new, but he had a feeling it would not be a good idea to touch it, but this was because it was unknown, not because he had a feeling, then he remembered SCP-049, it was to his right and was almost at him! He bolted left being careful not to stand on the black ooze, he ran into the first room he found, it was a staircase, it led up to lots servers, and a room with a camera monitor!

Chapter 29 - Watch the cameras - there was the primary control terminal, a switch that reads 'Heavy containment lockdown,' and a... Cameras! One of them is directly outside of this room, then he saw it it wore a black robe with a traditional plague doctor mask, its hands where blood red, and it was coming towards him! He threw the heavy containment lockdown switch to off and his behind the main terminal.

Chapter 30 - Doctor Doctor - Thump, Thump, Thump, Thump, he heard 049 coming up the stairs, he stayed perfectly still, it came into the camera room and said, 'The pathosis is here, and I can sense it. It is my duty in life to rid the world of it,' although it was almost completely muffled by its mask, it stared at the cameras for a while before finally thump, thump thumping down the stairs, and he watched it leave the surveillance room, turn right and walk off, 'phew,' he said, 'that was close!'

Part 11 - welcome to heavy containment zone

Chapter 31 - The builder bear - He exited the surveillance room and turned left, he went past the black ooze, and kept going past the T junction, until he cane to a right turn that led to Heavy containment zone checkpoint, but what was odd was that a small stuffed bear was in the window of the security room, waving a drawing of a dark figure that was dripping black stuff, and was pulling a Class-D into the ground!

Chapter 32 - heavy containment - he noted the drawing and used his level 3 key card on the door, they open suddenly and loudly, and opened up into a dark cylinder like corridor. The lights were broken and the atmosphere changed to a dark and eerie feeling instead of a light worried feeling, he continued down the corridor until he came across another T junction, he turned left and entered a corridor that had a grated roof and floor, when the sane dark figure walked out of the left wall and was about to exit out the right when it spotted him, and began to stride over to him.