Re: Improved intro

All class-D are to be terminated unless there are any other orders. Its part of the job.

Also the things that could give you a demotion to D are things that go beyond stupid or beyond cruel. The usual 'you are fired' of the foundation involves amnesiacs and dropping you somewhere. Making you a d-class is like torture, science and a public executiom combined on a single thing so I don't think that they would trust anyone that got demoted to d-class.
God is perfect -> Nobody is perfect -> I'm nobody --> I'm perfect --> I'm God.

Re: Improved intro

Lusor1111 wrote: Making you a d-class is like torture, science and a public executiom combined on a single thing so I don't think that they would trust anyone that got demoted to d-class.
Lusor1111 wrote: a d-class is like torture, science and a public executiom combined on a single thing
Lusor1111 wrote: torture, science and a public executiom
Lusor1111 wrote: science
Lusor1111 wrote: science

Re: Improved intro

Jackosergius wrote:
Doggiedog wrote:
Irontaco wrote:I think the walk from the Class D cells to 173's chamber should be quite longer. That way we could get to know the facility a bit more.
I wouldn't make it too long. It's a game, an indie game at that, and people will be impatient to start the real fun. Especially if the devs are actually planning on adding some sort of physical test as introduction to the blinking and using items from the inventory (like being instructed on taking up eyedrops from a table and using them, as a means to note down the difference between normal blinking and blinking with eyedrops with your character), then it'd be long enough as it is. You'll get to discover the facility during the game after all, otherwise there's not really a point to it.
First of all: Hello guys, I'm new around here. I just think this game is truly amazing, and I registered in order to do my bit :P
Getting to the point: Doggiedog, think of Half-Life. A long and amazing introduction, that makes you feel that the game is going to be really good. Just my point of view. I think that if you have an option to disable the intro, it wouldn't be a problem to make it last a bit longer, showing the facility (just like Irontaco said).
Half life is an incredible game, so it's definitely a good reference to consider when making design choices. The reason the half life intro was so long is because in Half Life the player starts on a tram. They are forced to slow down and take a good look at the black mesa facility. Most players, if given the option, would try to run through the intro and skip right to the action. perhaps we should slow the guards down a bit in the intro, extend the number of rooms they walk through, and force the player to move at a walking pace if he goes in front of the front guard. I think the Fable games had a mechanism like this to prevent the player from running ahead of NPCs during important moments.

Re: Improved intro

I've introduced a whole variety of friends to SCP:CB and have a few notes to share on their experiences:
  • Everybody dies to SCP-173 once he's activated in the intro on their first time, and often the next 5 times following. This serves to desensitize players to SCP-173 by the time they leave the starting room.
  • The initial "oh shit oh shi-" moment seems to be more confusing than scary, at least in the cases where I've seen other people play it. Nothing about the current intro suggests that standing ground and staring at SCP-173 might be remotely decent idea.
Overall, I think the opening sequence with SCP-173 is confusing because of it's pace. This would be a good place to introduce the blink mechanic through a blinking game of some sort, where the player has to coordinate with another class D. Perhaps one of the other Ds has step to the back of the room to clean up, when the lights fade, and SCP-173 attacks? Either way, I think SCP-173 should first attack something in the immediate view of the player rather on their peripheral, as I believe that a lot of players die right off the start because they aren't prepared to swerve left when SCP-173 starts teleporting around.

I would say in order to be effective, the intro needs to satisfy these criteria:
  • Introduce panic to the player at a slower pace so they don't toss their keyboard and die for it (as is figuratively what seems to be happening).
  • Reeeally stress that looking away will kill the player again and again, so that the player is equipped well enough with an understanding of SCP-173 to not die right away.
  • Convince the player that SCP-173 is dangerous and that their life is valuable rather than desensitized the player and instead introduce them to multiple respawns.

Re: Improved intro

Gamerdudesify wrote:When you are walking through the facility it seems that almost everyone has gotten away safely... there should be bodies of guards and scientists around the place. Maybe you could loot stuff off of them like batteries or papers.
You are able to find the bodies of dead guards around the site, though they are uncommon at this time. I am heavily assuming that in later versions more dead bodies will be added.
SCP:CB Administrator. 99% of my statements are my own and do not represent the official developers viewpoint.

Re: Improved intro

TheVolgun wrote:Hello again,

Do i need to post more to gain basic functionality within this forum? - there are some private messages i am unable to respond to.

Can someone tell me just how many posts i need to make, or can an admin allow to send private messages ? (it would be a great help)

Thanks in advance,
PM works here on forums.

Achieving many posts doesn't do anything, but updates ranks. Lowest: Class D, Highest: Senior Staff. To respond just click the bubble in the post at upper right corner.

Re: Improved intro

TheVolgun wrote:Hello again,

Do i need to post more to gain basic functionality within this forum? - there are some private messages i am unable to respond to.

Can someone tell me just how many posts i need to make, or can an admin allow to send private messages ? (it would be a great help)

Thanks in advance,
As far as I know, you need 10 posts to send a PM. Basic anti-spam measures.
M-x dingus-mode