Re: Fighting SCP-096

Steelpony wrote:Nothing to date has been able to stop SCP-096, or even stun him, in offical canon. For example he has survived...

1. Having multiple limbs blown off by a high powered Sniper.

2. Swimming to the depth of an Ocean to get to a submarine.

3. An entire detachment of MTF forces.

4. Countless containment chambers.

etc, etc.

At this time looking at 096 basically is a prolonged death, where you become a dead man walking.
The soldier said he blew off most of his torso too. :P
Atheros drivers SUCK!

Re: Fighting SCP-096

Destructoid wrote:
Steelpony wrote:Nothing to date has been able to stop SCP-096, or even stun him, in offical canon. For example he has survived...

1. Having multiple limbs blown off by a high powered Sniper.

2. Swimming to the depth of an Ocean to get to a submarine.

3. An entire detachment of MTF forces.

4. Countless containment chambers.

etc, etc.

At this time looking at 096 basically is a prolonged death, where you become a dead man walking.
The soldier said he blew off most of his torso too. :P
In the article said that the only part of 096 that seems to be indestructible is the bones. In the logs, the mtf said that 096 had lost all of its blood and most organs flesh and skin, yet the bone structure wasn't damaged in the slightless (even after the AT-rocket). He also was capable of taking all that damage without ever stopping of being hindered by it.

I personally doubt that electrocution would stop it when probably it doesn't use nerves or muscles to move itself.
God is perfect -> Nobody is perfect -> I'm nobody --> I'm perfect --> I'm God.

Re: Fighting SCP-096

Well we have a factor here that is unaccounted for. The amount of force the Tesla gate is able to produce when it triggers, we know it is enough to kill a human in a single strike. I am going to make the assumption that the power is very high, possible to an unrealistic degree considering the technology available to the Foundation. Another assumption to make is SCP-096, I will assume that SCP-096's skeleton structure is indestructible, at least by current human technological levels, while its flesh is subject to the same rigors that other life forms experience. This accounts for SCP-096 being able to lose whole chunks of its body and still be able to not only survive but continue to operate unaffected.

It was noted that SCP-096 can be staggered, as is evident when its legs were shot at and it tripped over before being able to correct itself and continue running.

Now SCP-096 is moving at almost 10 - 35 km/h in the site, give or take (I don't want to argue over the exact speed). When it runs into the Tesla Gate it is effectively like running into a solid but burning wall, if the game had a higher graphical capability I would guess that the entire front portion of SCP-096 would be burning away after contact with the Tesla Gate, possibly exposing it frontal skeleton to the player. However considering its indestructible nature this only stops it for a moment as it recollects itself from a sudden and unexpected attack. An assumption we can make is that the Tesla Gate operates by applying more power, thus more force, into an electrical charge depending on the speed of the approaching target, which accounts as to why SCP-096 does not simply continue to fall through the Tesla Gate's charge after being shocked, instead being pushed backwards, continuing this assumption is that the Tesla Gate was not meant to stop SCP-096 but human targets, as such it uses too much power to stop SCP-096 thus rendering it inoperable, allowing SCP-096 to continue forward without receiving a second shock.

In conclusion, it is not pain that stops SCP-096 but the force of the Tesla Charge that pushes SCP-096 backwards.

As another note I think it would be cool to see its skin burn away from a Tesla Charge.
SCP:CB Administrator. 99% of my statements are my own and do not represent the official developers viewpoint.

Re: Fighting SCP-096

In response to nidi05, if the bomb did not terminate SCP-096 you now have a dangerous situation where anyone could accidentally look at its face now that any cover on it was destroyed in the explosion. Not to mention if it is possible to glance at it through the smoke.

Also disguising a Nuclear Weapon test is no easy thing to do.
SCP:CB Administrator. 99% of my statements are my own and do not represent the official developers viewpoint.

Re: Fighting SCP-096

Ethereal wrote:What if You looked at :096:'s face, then fly away with an helicopter and stay in air?
096: fuck gravity, i can go anywhere!
One day, on Steam..

Code: Select all

26 Fe + Mexican food =: lets see if you're oh so mister oh so smart
26 Fe + Mexican food =: who am i
ShadowDust: IronFajitas
26 Fe + Mexican food =: fuck
ShadowDust: *flies away*

Re: Fighting SCP-096

Ethereal wrote:What if You looked at :096:'s face, then fly away with an helicopter and stay in air?
If you did that, then you're only delaying the inevitable.
Heheh, you said a bad word.

All of you guys really are special. Did you guys know that? Yes you guys are! Each in your own special way.