Re: Gate C mapping and modeling and musicians.

D-9999 wrote:
Abincyprus wrote:Also, it will turn this into a Michael Bay/action game. :laugh:
D-9999 wrote:chase scene
How would a chase scene turn it into an action game? Explain that, please.
Being chased by a Godzilla like creature when it's daytime and then see explosion.png behind you with an average quality explosion effects, while seeing apaches shooting at it while it's chasing me.

Re: Gate C mapping and modeling and musicians.

The only way it'd turn into an action game is if suddenly D-9341 can jump epic-ly and has to parkour a destroyed facility while closing doors via valves and at the end D-9341 jumps over a pool of acid and 682
Falls into it after breaking through a wall and explosive barrels fall into the acid and explode as D-9341 gets shot by some MTFs that fall out of nowhere from the sky.

A little chase scene where you run from 682 closing doors won't make it an action game.
The preparation for a dive is always a tense time

Re: Gate C mapping and modeling and musicians.

InTheNight wrote:But what? It is irritating due to just having two taken out, waits for SCP foundation and enormous normally, and thus NORMALLY he should have at least 4 taken out! (For thicknesses of the site)
I hate to necropost here, but will there be a Gate C? If so, I have an idea...

A lot of 008 victims become zom zom's and attack MTF soldiers, giving you a chance to escape. There will be three options, get killed by 008 victims, get killed by MTF's, or jump over a ledge, leading into the snow where you run away. This won't lead to your character surviving in the long run, you will eventually die from frostbite or hypothermia.
I lost weight just by running up and down the stairs...

Re: Gate C mapping and modeling and musicians.

Personally, I think that at this point their should not be a third gate added, or at least not the same kind of gate as the first two. I currently have three suggestions for alternate endings. One is finding an elevator or staircase leading to the roof of the facility, and possibly escape using a helicopter. Another one is finding a certain SCP that allows you to escape that facility, (I don't remember its number, I will check later). And finally there should be an ending where you find a way to open a portal to the wanderer's library, which would be the best ending but also the most well hidden and challenging to get.
Let's throw everything in and see what happens!