Re: The New Suggestions Thread

Brunou8 wrote:
OnyxDarkKnight wrote:Unless he changes the whole lighting system, 080 might not appear. I did however suggested him a solution, so I guess we'll see if he uses that or not.
juanpro's Irrlicht Port could be the solution.
He said he does not want to port the whole game to a complete new engine as it would take a lot of time and does not plan on working on others port of the game.

Re: The New Suggestions Thread

OnyxDarkKnight wrote:
legendaryweredragon wrote:well I really hope that either 080 Dark Form, 650 Startling Statue, or 280 Eyes In The Dark get added. All of them would make great additions to the game. I also really think that 1021-1 would be good way to add a new ending to the game.

I PMed Regalis a few days ago asking for feedback but he still has not replied yet. Do you know if he is really busy right now or something?
He is indeed a bit busy right now. But when I talked to him we ended up discussing about 080 as well. He did show interest in it, but said that he doesn't really want to add it because he can't make him shadowy and basically follow the wiki. Regalis really likes respecting the wiki, but he said "While I think 080 might work in the game, it's a bit problematic because light and shadows are such an important part of it. Any dynamic lighting effects are really hard to do without major changes to the way the game handles lighting, and imho leaving out the shadowy appearance and the fact that it disappears when a light enters the room would take out an important part of the SCP". So sorry guys. Unless he changes the whole lighting system, 080 might not appear. I did however suggested him a solution, so I guess we'll see if he uses that or not.
I don't think that the lighting is all that important as long as we can get his appearance and behavior done well enough. Since certain rooms in the game are always brighter than others then those will be the rooms he can't enter. I don't think we should worry about dynamic lighting.
Let's throw everything in and see what happens!

Re: The New Suggestions Thread

Has a reason to ring SCP-513 been scripted in the game yet? If not, I'd like to throw out this idea...
When you enter the room with it in there, you're alerted that there's someone on your tail. When you get to the room, you'll be alerted to the fact that you've been spotted. To get away, you use the cow bell to make them feel uneasy and not wanting to stay in the area.
Blocking dangerous memes for the SCP Foundation.

Re: The New Suggestions Thread

SCP Number: SCP-726
SCP Nickname: Reconstructive Maggots
Ingame Mechanics: You could find a corpse in its chamber being reanimated and acting like a blowfly. It wouldn't hurt or help you in any way, but it would be a good way to really give the player an idea of the strange and horrifying things that the SCP objects can do.

Re: The New Suggestions Thread

Minor suggestion:

If a player gets locked in a Gas Chamber, have 173 :173: drop from the vent in the ceiling after a few moments. As it is, the players have to just quit. They can't die from the gas or be killed in any way (aside from an item-based suicide).

I'm not sure how the game's being built, but I think it'd be pretty easy to implement. Make a check for if the player is within the room 2 seconds after the doors close. If so, teleport 173 to the vent.

Whaddy'a think, everyone?

Re: The New Suggestions Thread

ZobmieRules wrote:Minor suggestion:

If a player gets locked in a Gas Chamber, have 173 :173: drop from the vent in the ceiling after a few moments. As it is, the players have to just quit. They can't die from the gas or be killed in any way (aside from an item-based suicide).

I'm not sure how the game's being built, but I think it'd be pretty easy to implement. Make a check for if the player is within the room 2 seconds after the doors close. If so, teleport 173 to the vent.

Whaddy'a think, everyone?
Sounds like a sensible suggestion~ :)
Up and Down and All around.

Re: The New Suggestions Thread

Forgive my newness and overall lack of knowledge of this forum but I am a huge fan of the Foundation website and have played the game on several occasions. First i'd like to start off by saying, wow, huge fan. I love the community's and Regalis's work. (Especially the community, since I come from indie projects myself, albeit a designer but a contributor nonetheless)

With that.. I have a couple of neat ideas myself regarding new SCP objects.

SCP Number: SCP-407
SCP Nickname: Song Of Genesis
Ingame mechanics: I'd like to comeback and show someone else's proposal as example. Exactly like 066 but of course with the potential of it being awesome(er). 407 has the ability to sort of "cultivate" it's own ecosystem out of a human's body. Imagine this, a sealed off room that plays 407 on loop and that specific room is an overgrown forest. The forest, of course coming from dead D-Class, MTF or maybe even the staff. To traverse, all you would need are simple ear plugs or earmuffs (Or possibly the hazmat suit). If anyone's ever played Fallout New Vegas then imagine spore carrier like mammalian creatures but... y'know SCP-ish.

SCP Number: SCP-085
SCP Nickname: Hand-drawn Casey
Ingame mechanics: Really? No love for Casey? Place paintings or pictures along the office walls (Of course this would need to be around the office areas) Have her walk around the paintings and leave clues for the player to see. Who knows, maybe even door codes. How would that be done? Simple! Gifs.

SCP Number: SCP-254
SCP Nickname: Employee of the Month
Ingame mechanics: There are a lot and I mean ALOT of lesser known SCPs who would make great enemies. Take this one for example. That creepy janitor that went nuts? Surprise surprise! 254-1 broke loose! He appears in the basement levels and chases the player with his cleaning utensils of doom. Who knows, he might even have SCP-063 in his arsenal. How to beat him? Simply find his "Employee of the Month" photo and rip it off the wall it generated in and he disappears! Neat huh.

SCP Number: SCP-953
SCP Nickname: Polymorphic Humanoid
Ingame mechanics: Admit it. When you heard "Nine-Tailed Fox" over the intercom you thought it was gonna be 953. And I thought, well why the heck not? Why not have 173 and 106 with a tail and fluffy ears only to realize it's actually 953 in disguise? You wouldn't even need a new model, just copy pasta the old ones and add some features. Or have her impersonate an MTF soldier and have her be another roaming character? This game needs more roamers in my opinion.

SCP Number: SCP-206
SCP Nickname: The Voyager
Ingame mechanics: Like the anomalous duck but it disappears and spawns in another location in the facility. Adds to the creepy factor.

SCP Number: SCP-423
SCP Nickname: Self-Inserting Character
Ingame mechanics: I don't know why this hasn't happened yet but putting Fred somewhere in a document would be a cool little easter egg.

Let me know what you think.

Also, please let me know if this was the correct place to post this.

Re: The New Suggestions Thread

TheCrazyParodyCo wrote: SCP Number: SCP-953
SCP Nickname: Polymorphic Humanoid
Ingame mechanics: Admit it. When you heard "Nine-Tailed Fox" over the intercom you thought it was gonna be 953.
No because I played SCP:CB before reading the 953 article.

In all seriousness, these are all great suggestions and I commemorate you for neatly organizing your suggestions in a coherent manner. You usually don't see that from new members. :wink:

Re: The New Suggestions Thread

Theimperfectbeing wrote:
TheCrazyParodyCo wrote: SCP Number: SCP-953
SCP Nickname: Polymorphic Humanoid
Ingame mechanics: Admit it. When you heard "Nine-Tailed Fox" over the intercom you thought it was gonna be 953.
No because I played SCP:CB before reading the 953 article.

In all seriousness, these are all great suggestions and I commemorate you for neatly organizing your suggestions in a coherent manner. You usually don't see that from new members. :wink:
There are certain members who post here all the time who could learn that aswell ;3
Its nice to have someone actually giving suggestions as to how the SCPs would work in the game too..
Up and Down and All around.