Lighting variations

I was reading a blender book, and suddenly, my light turned off.
And, this light gave me an idea.
(No, I Know when SCP-173 appears on a tunnel)
But if lighting have Some variations and mixed with sounds effects,
I think it Will be interesting. Why ? Because when brightness of the light varies,
We CAN imagine, SCP-173 which Will appear, SCP-079 manipulating lights by computers connections, SCP-372 as when you blink.
It Will be freaky : real danger ? Or just bluff ?
Much possibilities with just damaged lamps

What's your opinions ?

Re: Lighting variations

Well, that's a little bit different un reality. I was Talking about variations of the brightness...hum... Ah ! Crackling of lamps in corridors, tunnels etc. Also crackling permits to the user to imagine much dangers and issues.
Sorry for my bad english. I am french :(