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Re: Upgraded difficulty system?

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2017 3:43 pm
by Scp warheads
whathopercy wrote:Today, I was thinking about how the difficulty could be improved, seeing as how right now the only difference between Keter and Euclid is the appearance of quicksaving. I came up with some ideas:

-SCP 106 spawns much less often.
-The starting room contains the essentials, those being a gas mask, two batteries, and a First Aid Kit.
-Bullets and swipes from 049 zombies do less damage.
-Gate's A and B are easier to reach, as they spawn closer to you.
-When activated, it takes a great deal of time for 096 to sufficiently break down the structural integrity of a door before he can smash it down.
-SCP 106 spawns normally.
-The starting room contains a gas mask.
-Bullets and other non-lethal hits do normal damage.
-Spawning functions act normally.
-096 takes his normal time in breaking down doors, roughly half a second.
-No quicksaving.
-The starting room contains nothing.
-Bullets and other non-lethal hits do elevated damage. MTF's have their training upgraded-they will go directly for your chest, allowing them, with luck, to dispatch you in a single shot.
-Gate's A and B are harder to reach, spawning a great many blocks away from you through multiple SCP chambers and containment zones.
-SCP 106 spawns more often.
-!THEORETICAL! 079 receives more control of the facility and will attempt to hinder your progress as you begin to use the electronic devices, like recontaining 106, using secondary lighting, using 914, and manipulating tesla gates. He will begin to pump prominent rooms full of toxic gas, lock doors to certain rooms that you can only override using a level 5 (Overseer clearance) card and above, and guide soldiers to your position like a mini-Metroplex.
-096 will run through doors like a knife cuts through paper.

Unlocked if Keter is beaten:

-No quicksaving
-All hits are lethal.
-SCP-173 stays in the starting room.
-SCP 106 is a bona fide busybody. Tesla gates no longer impede him.
-Keycards placed in 914 have a much greater chance of warping into playing and credit cards. The super gas mask is not able to be synthesized.
-MTF's automatically spawn as soon as you leave the starting room.
-All sentient and mobile SCP's receive speed and hostility upgrades.
-The ballistic vest and first aid kit are dampened in effectiveness.
-Gate's A and B are incredibly hard to reach. As you get closer to one, room spawn parameters change, resulting in a much greater variety of security features, like lockrooms, tesla gates, and camera rooms.
-The HUD, being your sprint bar and blink meter, is invisible.
-!THEORETICAL! 079 knows of your presence from the get-go, and will actively hinder your progress.

thaumiel mode is probably a little bit too overpowered :REDACTED: :079_2:

Re: Upgraded difficulty system?

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2017 8:58 pm
by ReptileMonster
Thaumiel sounds almost impossible. of course, if you can beat keter mode, then thaumiel would be the ultimate challenge for the most dedicated of players!

I like these ideas.

Re: Upgraded difficulty system?

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 4:14 am
by autotroph
Well this is a necro revival, but I got curious anyways given how I read about Thaumiel in the SCP Wiki.

Thaumiel can't be technically the name of a level more difficult than Keter, since Thaumiel level refers to an SCP that the Foundation can use as a possible ally. I sound stupid at this, but that would make the level easier I guess? Or at the very least, in Thaumiel, the enemy SCPs are just as aggressive as on Keter, but at the same time, you have SCPs/class-Ds/Foundation personnel that are actively helping you, or it's easier to get valuable items while dealing with them.

Apollyon would be preferred in this case, given its designation that such an SCP labeled with this is powerful, cannot be contained, and can end in an almost-inevitable destruction of humanity (or something like it, not sure). But given the impossibility to avoid this type of SCP, I'm not sure if this can be feasibly put either: perhaps one where an actual SCP labelled Apollyon appears in the end when the player tries to get away from the facility?

Re: Upgraded difficulty system?

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2018 3:15 pm
by craymotherlol
There is already Show HUD, besides it should be optional.

Re: Upgraded difficulty system?

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2018 1:49 am
by ADMAndrew

Sir, you read, my mind.