Re: [New SCP suggestion] Ideas for future versions of SCP:CB

SCP-212 ( and SCP-1103 ( in another medical bay.
The SCP-1103 finds you on a table near the SCP-212 once you pick up programs to SCP-212 to perform a face transplant surgery with other staff of the foundation (new end: ntf members find you there Ends in the final message you hear 2 audios one in which they discover that you were a class D subject by DNA samples and eliminate you, another in which you now changed life with the other staff of the foundation). :)
GLaDOS: "Good-bye, my only friend."
Me: (gasp) :O
GLaDOS: "Oh, did you think I meant you?"
Me: ... :REDACTED: . T_T
... GLaDOS x SCP-079 :079_2:

Re: [New SCP suggestion] Ideas for future versions of SCP:CB

New SCP's:

- SCP-017
SCP-017 is by far, one of my favourite during reading the 0-99 series. would make a great addition to the game, where if your shadow meets in contact with the being it will pouch at you smothering you in a dark shroud as you see a little dead girls face in front of you, her arms grasping your head and shaking it immensely as if making you decay into a could of smoke.

Don't know about you but that gives me chills.

A counter for this could be dropping an object in your inventory. if it's shadow connects with the being, it will attack and erase it instead. Which in turn will move it away from doorways e.t.c. if it blocks you.
- SCP-019
SCP-019 could also make a great addition to the game. If the player walks up to the vase and interacts with it, a prompt will show up asking 'what do you want to put in the vase?'. Obviously if u have no idea what this SCP is, or if your just curious about it, you will add something. If you do, the vase will go into it's 'Flood' state where it will spew out several instances of SCP-019-2 which start covering the room as well as attacking the player. In addition, the room could also detect the several entities flooding the chamber. This then sends the room into a lock down, trapping the player inside who drowns into flesh biting goblin-humanoid creatures.

- SCP-067
SCP-067 is another very interesting SCP, which could add a whole new form of gameplay if wanted.
I'm actually surprised how it's not currently in the game at the moment, judging by how much it could add to the game.

A quick rundown about what it can be used for:
- Learning character traits such as fears/phobias, which can change the way your character behaves around certain SCP's
- Learning your backstory. SCP-067 can write the backstory of your character, explaining how they managed to end up where they are.
- Explaining other forgotten events from previous encounters. The pen could explain in first person of your character, previous events (Post Game) such as:

"I heard screaming echoing the halls one day around lunch. When I had asked around about the event, a fellow inmate told me that Dr. Cortez's hands were traumatically amputated in a horrific lunchroom blender accident. The crazy fucker, I wonder if it had to do anything with the curse of SCP-048 which he tried to prove as superstition"

Re: [New SCP suggestion] Ideas for future versions of SCP:CB

I was thinking on SCP-2521 there could be a sanctioned room in the Heavy Containment Zone where its room pitch black inside and the only light source is a lamp on a table and if you look at the table there will be a note and the note would have drawn pictures of it then a small cutscene happens: (player picks up the note and interprets what it means then he hears a low dripping noise and looks behind him and shines the lamp where the noise came from and as the player shines the light he sees 2521 staring at him with a red glowing heart on its face then it moves toward the player as you regain control): as you try to run from 2521 you slip into a vent and slide down a tube that enters a maintenance tunnel there the player runs from 106 into an elevator and go to a observation room where you go about the game normally except with 2521 appearing every now and then.

Re: [New SCP suggestion] Ideas for future versions of SCP:CB

I think the game has become messy with all the new SCP's and sometimes you certainly don't need anymore dangers besides SCP-173, SCP-106 and MTF.
We currently have 4 gamemodes; Safe, Euclid, Keter and Custom. I would make it that the standard generated map includes all SCP's before the 1.0.0 update and includes more SCP's the more difficult the gamemode. I would also make a fifth gamemode "Neutralized" which is basically making the entire facility completely safe (every SCP containted, all tesla gates disabled, SCP-079 behaviour removed,...) without fog or darkened areas to just explore the generated map for fun, with the same kind of music played in the intro, while you are playing as a scientist with access to every area. You will see guards at the checkpoints and scientist working in office areas or at some containment chambers.

Edited suggestion: You will need a mastercard to obtain drinks from SCP-294.

Re: [New SCP suggestion] Ideas for future versions of SCP:CB

AveryLP wrote:Since updating a post is pointless, I created a thread.
These are some ideas for future versions of SCP:CB (These ideas are not fully mine):

New Zones:

- Maintenance Zone
The maintenance tunnels could be made a separate zone of it's own, also giving it some more rooms. SCP-457 and maybe other SCP's could make appearances here. The design could look similar to the construction tunnels. I got this idea from here (You can also find the ideas on what the rooms would be like there, besides the NTF mod office/generator room in the construction tunnels, and the already existing vanilla pump room, although these would be adjusted to the design)
- Sewer Zone:
A sewer zone would be very cool, since it could include additional SCP-682 events. Also, the Foundation needs ways to get rid of waste, doesn't it. There could be some items down there too. Should a sewer zone be impossible, then it could be something similar to the maintenance tunnels.
New Rooms:

- Construction Tunnels
I think that the construction tunnels from the NTF mod should be added to the vanilla game, since they would provide the player with something new and give SCP-049-2 instances a bigger role.
The construction tunnels could not only include SCP-049-2 instances, but maybe also a SCP-966 instance.
Also you could find a SCP-500 pill and maybe a first aid kit in the tunnels.
For that, the revamp of the construction tunnels (The picture is from page 76 of the NTF mod page) would need to be finished before it could be added since the newer version looks far better.
- Laboratory
In my opinion, it doesn't make sense for a SCP containment site not to have a laboratory. Therefore, it should be in the game.
It could look like this.
- Medibay
In my opinion, the medibay should be added since for me, it doesn't make sense for the Foundation not to have a medibay in a containment site.
The medibay could work like in the Box of Horrors mod.
- SCP-939's containment chamber
In my opinion, SCP-939's containment chamber should be added. The player could encounter a single SCP-939 instance.
The idea is from this old thread.
New SCP's:

- SCP-009
SCP-009 could appear like it does in the Box of Horrors mod.
- SCP-017
SCP-017 could appear in it's containment room. SCP-079 would turn off the floodlights of SCP-017's containment cell after some time and SCP-017 would start chasing you, forcing you to run towards the control room to turn the lights back on. There, you could possibly encounter SCP-079 on a monitor. I am fully aware though that this SCP is incredibly hard to implement.
- SCP-019
SCP-019 could appear in it's containment room. If the player stays in the room for around 30 seconds, several SCP-019-2 instances will emerge and start attacking the player, killing him if the player does not escape the containment room. The incinerator system and the containment doors could not work after the instances emerge, forcing you to run out of the chamber, while getting chased by the instances for several rooms before you escape them.
Also, this SCP is amongst my favorite SCP's. (Even though I like all SCP's which I know of)
- SCP-020
SCP-020's containment chamber could be the same used in the BoH mod. If you come in contact with SCP-020 (Like falling through the hole in the floor), you will be infected and after around 5 minutes, you will die from 020's effects.
- SCP-120
SCP-120 could appear in it's containment chamber. If you enter it, you could be teleported to let's say, 5 of the 11 destinations stated in the article.
The idea is from this VERY old thread
- SCP-198
SCP-198 could appear in it's containment room like it does in the NTF mod.
Besides in it's containment room, SCP-198 could appear elsewhere. My idea is that SCP-198 could appear in a office, looking like a ordinary cup (I will assume that someone else would have touched 198 in it's containment room, causing it to spawn somewhere else with a different appearance).
The player could die after 1-2 minute if it does not consume the contents. The chance of the player consuming the content could be randomized, there could be a 50% chance of the player consuming it, a 50% chance of the player refusing to drink it, causing death. This randomization could happen every time, the player attempts to consume it.
- SCP-409
- SCP-409's containment chamber and appearance would be the same as in the Box of Horrors mod
- In some rooms throughout the facility, stains of SCP-409 crystals could be found. If the player touches them, the crystallization effect would begin.
- SCP-409 could also be a drink dispensed by SCP-294 (Similar on how SCP-009 is in the BoH mod)
- There could be a scripted event that shows a Class-D, already covered with SCP-409 crystals, running towards the player, only to stop in front of the player and shatter due to advanced crystallization effect. This would create a SCP-409 stain with the same effect as the other stains.
- The hallway containing the elevator leading to the containment room could have the HCZ room textures, since the textures from BoH make the room not really fit into the HCZ.
- The crystallization process could be stopped using a SCP-500 pill.
It is amongst my favorites of all SCP's that were added via mods since I just like this SCP a lot.
- SCP-457
SCP-457 should be added to the game because it is a really cool SCP. In-game, it could work like in the NTF mod, having it appear in some tunnels. (Or maybe the mentioned Maintenance Zone, should it ever get added)
- SCP-735
SCP-735 could be found inside it's containment room. If the player comes close, it would start insulting the player. If the player stays in the room for 2-3 minutes, you would automatically approach SCP-735 and attempt to destroy it, only to have the MTF shoot you from behind.
- SCP-1162
SCP-1162 could appear like in the NTF mod, as a curiosity, with you however have a high chance of passing it's containment room (Considering it's in a corner hallway). It could be either helpful or detrimental to your progress, making it basically a gamble.
Improvements of existing SCP's:

- SCP-1048-A Infection Revamp
SCP-1048-A's ear growth should be revamped as suggested here.
Other Improvements:

- Facility Layout Revamp
The zones should be differently arranged in floors, to enable massive expansions and more SCP's. (The HCZ could be the lowest level, the LCZ could be the medium level and the Entrance Zone would be above the LCZ. The checkpoints between the zones would have elevators leading to them. The LCZ-EZ checkpoint elevator would not work, forcing the player to go to the HCZ. The Maintenance Tunnels could be below the HCZ. For my zone suggestions, a Maintenance Zone could take the Maintenance Tunnels' place below the HCZ, and a Sewer Zone could be below the Maintenance Zone.
This is a scheme of my imagination for a future facility layout:

Feel free to express your opinion about these ideas.
This list will be updated if I have any more ideas I'd like to see in-game.
i have ideas for some new designs for the fan favorite SCPs


Now appears more skinnier like his placeholder model except with actual gunshot wounds from the SCP-096-1 Incident Interview.


Now uses the Unity Engine Vest Model fused with the current model.


Now has a more realistic eyes.


Now has a closed jaw. (Which the Placeholder 096 has an open jaw, and edit to be closed)


Now has the appearance from the official photo from the wiki.

Now for some idea of one of the SCPs from the wiki:


The Phenomenon appears to have the SCP-049 Robe, but more tall and has no mask or eyes, but a hairless head model with no face. (Eyes, mouth, and nose.)
the being will be spawned after reading the phenomenon's story, it will stalk you, until you are killed by an SCP.